
Colorless Green Sheep Sleep Furiously!

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That sentence doesn't make sense. But it's apparently grammatically correct. Go figure.

I came across it while reading Gwyneth Dwyer's post about "Junk-mail gems." Somehow I never considered "junk mail" and "gems" to jibe in the same sentence. But she makes an interesting case for using junk as a source of inspiration. (!)

photo courtesy of freezelight
cc license

You probably remember these spam headlines. If even just vaguely registering in your subconscious just before you pressed the delete key.

  • Got a second
  • Still working on it
  • Grand message, you must read
"These spam headlines all succeed in getting their point across in 6 seconds, widely recognized as the time a headline has to hook a reader... The first two examples might need a dash of specificity and some punctuation. For example:

SEO? Got a second?

Or perhaps, That basement renovation: Still working on it?

The third headline — grand message, you must read — is bit obvious, but with the right context it could work:

Grand Piano Ownership: Grand message, you must read
Grand Hôtel in Stockholm: Grand message, you must read
Grand Cayman Islands: Grand message, you must read

Now, before you jump all over me for condoning junk mail. (Whaaat?!)  I'm not.  It's a sort of non sequitur, I suppose.  But when you think about it, inspiration can hit from places we didn't think to look.  Am I right? So, I guess, why not junk mail.

And to think, I've apparently had this automatically-generating, self-updating ideas database all along and I've just been deleting it.  Huh. Go figure.

- Mel

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Gwyneth Dwyer

Yes, inspiration can come from unlikely sources. A nit: the famous sentence penned by Noam Chomsky is "Colorless green ideas sleep furiously," although "Colorless green sheep sleep furiously" works, too.
Aug 29, 2007 02:26 AM
Frank Rubi
Frank Rubi Real Estate, LLC - Metairie, LA
Mel, your right inspiration can come from anywhere. You just have to be aware.
Aug 29, 2007 03:38 AM
Mel Aclaro
RealtyU - Anaheim Hills, CA

Gyneth... thanks so much for stopping by!  You're right, of course.  I obviously had "sheep" on my mind at the time... maybe b/c I'm starting to pay attention to my spam as a source of inspiration?  ;-)  Wait...Adjective-Adjective-Noun-Verb-Adverb... yup still works!  Loved your article and am now a subscriber.  :-)

Frank... Absolutely.  It starts with the right frame of mind doesn't it?  First being receptive to even just the idea of new ideas -- especially when the source is outside what might otherwise be considered "normal" channels.  Thanks for commenting.

Aug 29, 2007 06:02 AM
Richard Bolen
Dickson Realty - Zephyr Cove, NV
CRS, ABR, CLHMS, e-PRO, Lake Tahoe Real Estate Information

Keep writing and commenting. All of a sudden you'll be an old timer around here. It doesn't take long. Thanks for taking your time to comment on the crest foolishness we did yesterday. It was much appreciated.


Aug 29, 2007 04:44 PM
Mel Aclaro
RealtyU - Anaheim Hills, CA
Richard...  Thanks for dropping by.  Yep.  Your "Crest" piece was a great post.  Very creative.  Keep it up.  Looking forward to more such posts.  :-)
Aug 30, 2007 04:12 AM
The Green Sheep

Ack! I've been relegated to a flibbertyjibbit? The green sheep DOES make sense!


Sep 19, 2008 05:48 PM