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Mary Ngati
Real Estate - West Palm Beach, FL
Aug 28, 2007 06:17 AM
West Hartford CT Real Estate Agent | West Hartford Realtor |
ERA Broder Group - West Hartford, CT
Owner financing is one avenue I'd be very cautious about. The seller better have deep pockets and high level of risk ability. Otherwise, what is to stop the 'buyer' from defaulting? Nothing. Very risky business.
Aug 28, 2007 06:31 AM
BLRGUY(Beach & Luxury Realty Inc) - Saint Pete Beach, FL

Let me tell you...when I first started investing in real estate...this is the only way I would purchase property...and if the realtor did not understand owner finance or creative real estate,I moved on to an agent who did.

It is faster,less closing costs and less aggravation.The benefits outweigh the risks in my opinion!

Aug 28, 2007 06:42 AM