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50% of Listings Sold in 2009

Services for Real Estate Pros with iHOUSEweb Inc.

Did you sell more than 50% of your listings in 2009? If so, you did well! According to a study by Redfin that was released in August “a survey of seven major housing markets found that less than half of all attempts to sell a home in 2009 had… resulted in a sale.” The study looked at properties in Chicago, Atlanta, Seattle, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Phoenix, and Boston.

With such a low success rate, it’s important to look at your current sales and marketing strategy. What can you do differently that will improve you chance of successfully selling a listing? Take a close look at your pricing strategies, your listing marketing, and your online presence. Are your listings on popular home search sites like Yahoo! Real Estate, Google, Zillow, and Trulia? Do you have quality pictures of the listing in the MLS and on your website?

If not, you absolutely need to step up your marketing! In this economy, you can’t afford not to. An iHOUSE ELITE Website can help you by automating a lot of those tasks for you. Take a Free Test Drive to try it for yourself, or visit our website to learn more!