Most of the time when we make appointments to show our buyers homes, it is a cake piece to make the appointment or get additional info. Then there is the occasional &%$#@* realtor who makes the process ugly.
We called a listing agent recently asking a few simple questions like: will all of the items be finished on this new construction upon closing as listed in the MLS and when will the home be available? (mind you our buyer has already driven by the property and says the home looks like it is not even close to being finished). The agent proceeds to tell us that he never said all the the items would be finished. That gravel driveway will be just that.........nope, no paving. Appliances? Did we say we were including appliances?
The conversation went on like this for several minutes. Defensive and mincing words........all I wanted to know was will the home be livable in a timely manner and to get specific questions answered for my buyer.
As I hung up the phone my thought was..."I can't believe the seller actually hired this JERK to market, promote, and sell this home." I would summize he isn't getting many showings either.
My advice for other agents: Don't impede your chances of selling your listing by being rude, obnoxious, evasive, defensive, or just down right MEAN. You are doing your seller an injustice.
My advice for sellers: Make sure the agent you hire is respected amongst his/her piers. He they aren't, it lessens your likelihood of getting a fair number of showings. It lessens your chance of selling your home in YOUR timeframe and for the most amount of money.
Respect and professionalism goes both ways......
Happy Selling!
Kat Becker