WHAT! You are't looking at your stats??? WHY NOT!?#@??
Relax, my phony tirade is over, I wasn't looking at stats either until a couple of days ago. But let me tell you what I discovered and couldn't wait to share with you. Not all posts are created equal. Well you knew that didn't you. Did you know that you could peek at your stats and discover just how unequal your bog posts are.
You might ask, what's the point, past posts are ancient history, but history tells a story or at least it tries to. Take a look at the graphic (right). A few weeks ago I wrote a few blogs that by my standards had a decent amount of views. Then I noticed that one blog with only a few more views had nearly triple the clicks.
Naturally I had to go back to see what I did differently in these two posts only a few days removed. After all, as nice it is to get read, our blogs should be a call to action and without a click to my blog and a link there to my IDX it is not going to generate any action.
Sometimes looking at only two posts won't tell the whole story and it might be more than subject matter or content. Perhaps the day of week or time of day you posted are factors. Without telling you what I discovered about these two posts I am telling that you should be a sleuth and investigate what to do to genterate those clicks. Perhaps a catchier title, maybe visiting a few blogs leaving some comments, after all we are a community here. Just unlock the code and beef up your traffic.
The point is, that unless you are checking your stats you are leaving a history unread and there is a story of value there to be told.
By the way, to find your statistics, go to your Active Rain "My Home" and scroll down the left side of the page to your "Statistics" link. Happy Discovery!
Don't forget a link or two to your web site in the process