
What do you do with the Froo-Froo?

Home Stager with Transistional Designs, LLC

I figure we never get enough humor in the day so I just wanted to share a quick story.  We went out and bid on a job this past weekend for a large home owned by a single older gentleman.  The gentleman has been pretty skeptical about the entire stagging process.  However, we recently sold his girlfriend's condo (in one day!) and since his house has been on the market with no action for 5 months he has finally decided it is time to do something. 

After we presented our bid and left, he and his girlfriend were discussing it. (she told me this story today).  He told her his biggest concern was that we (the stagers) needed to understand that he still had to live there while the house was on the market and he didn't want any "froo-froo" around.  She told him it was no big deal, he could just move the froo-froo out of the way if he needed to use the space and then just put the froo-froo back when he was done!

I couldn't stop chuckling throughout her story imagining these two having an entire conversation about "froo-froo".  I told her I had never heard it said quite that way before. 

So, now when anyone asks what I do, I can just say I place froo-froo!

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Cindy Lin
Staged4more School of Home Staging - South San Francisco, CA
Host, The Home Staging Show podcast

Hey if froo froo helps to sell, I say all the more power to ya!



Aug 29, 2007 06:12 PM
Cheri Dueker
Transitional Designs, LLC - Saint Louis, MO
Transitional Designs, LLC, Home Staging St. Louis
cindy: LOL-we just hadn't heard our services put quite that way-made us laugh! 
Aug 31, 2007 11:58 AM
Jo Potvin
Design To Market LLC - Cincinnati, OH
Home Staging Cincinnati - Design To Market
It's great that he was willing to try something out of his comfort zone!
Aug 31, 2007 01:30 PM
Abby Roselli
ALR Home Staging and Showcasing, LLC - Staten Island, NY
Staten Island Home Stager
Froo froo, to me, is what I call the furry maribou trim you find on accessories or clothing.  I love that word!  I've used it for years as I make myself laugh when I say it.
Aug 31, 2007 02:28 PM
Cheri Dueker
Transitional Designs, LLC - Saint Louis, MO
Transitional Designs, LLC, Home Staging St. Louis
This client was just as skeptical before we staged his girlfiend's condo but liked it when we were done.....He's just a little resistant to change....But has finally given in and is willing to try-so we are excited about the project!
Aug 31, 2007 04:58 PM