The Maine fall foliage colors are getting richer, more varied as the days go by. Major wind last night may
threaten to whip the leaves off the trees before they turn the brilliant colors we enjoy in our drives around Northern Maine, Aroostook Countywith real estate customers.
This shot to the right captured after this morning's showing of a Drews Lake Maine log lake home we have for sale.
The possible buyers from Florida complained of intense humidity and heat and needing a Maine second vacation home to run away to summers.
Maine lake living is four season.
Not just special around the 4th of July with family gatherings with home made beans, eating burgers, watermelon, home made potato salad teither.
Fall hunting, Maine leaf peeking is one more special time of the year in Maine.
This wooded section surrounding a Maine farm pasture land is just coming in to its own.
Before the leaves on the trees slowly shed, preparing for winter recreation fun and games.
See over 1200 Maine images, photos to one by one show, give you a peek of the real beauty in "Vacationland".