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Lapeer, Lapeer County, Lapeer MI, Real Estate Market Today

Real Estate Broker/Owner

parkThe City of Lapeer Michigan 48446

6 solds reported this week:
* 541 Jefferson St, $29,450 (bank)
* 525 Adams St, $33,250 (bank)
* 1127 State St, $37,200 (bank)
* 792 Peppermill Cir, $83,000 (private)
* 137 Millville Rd, $93,000 (private)
* 2644 Bedford St, $150,000 (bank)

8 new listings this week:
* 1072 3rd. St, $850 (lease)
* 733 Beach St, $24,000 (bank)
* 1128 N. Madison St, $54,900 (private)
* 1245 1st. St, $59,900 (short sale)
* 706 N. Main St, $69,000 (bank)
* 48 Hartley St, $74,900 (private)
* 2207 Baldwin Rd, $135,900 (private)
* 313 Courtneys Pl, $149,900 (private)

Lapeer real estate market statistics:
* The median single family home price for Lapeer is $129,138 / down .4% (see chart)
* Market action index is at 14.86, currently a buyer's market
* The average property as of 09/26/2010 has been on the market for about 202 days / up .5%
* The median price per square foot for homes is about $82
* About 269 properties are on the market in Lapeer / down .4%


Median Price is often a very good proxy for indicating real-time market activity because sellers in a market, with the help of their local real estate agent, will price their home according to other similar homes in that market. While this isn't a perfect science, most agents and sellers tend to price their homes in close to the price where it will eventually sell. As the median price changes, this can indicate a couple of key market movements.

If living in town appeals to you, let's talk about how to make that dream a reality in the City of Lapeer, a close knit community where people know each other. To find out the value of your home or property, questions about real estate or mortgages, contact me direct at 800-628-7356 x 8065 or dhorne@cbshooltz.net TODAY!
references: altosresearch.com, bing
