I promise that it is not my fault and I did not do it!
Boy, I feel like saying that several times a year when I get that call from the listing agent when the buyer did not buy the home because of what was found during the inspection.
As a home inspector we find all types of things that might not be in our area of expertise, but it does not take a rocket scientist to know that it is a problem. Today I received one of those calls from a listing agent who was upset that I reported on what she called minor insect damage to a home.
I'll let you be the judge, this is a picture of what she called minor insect damage.
This is damaged that has been caused by what are commonly called Carpenter Bees! They carve out a hole or channel for their nest. This is a section of soffit on this home.
This poor home was riddled with holes from the carpenter bees. The good news is that they are not like termites. Termites eat the wood and the bees only drill holes in it!
I was then told that I did not know what I was talking about when I reported that the kitchen plumbing needed some correction due to improper materials used to repair it. Well, I guess a car radiator hose is now an approved repair for a kitchen drain trap, oh and duct tape is fantastic when you do not have a proper compression nut!
So please keep in mind that we "the home inspector" is only the messenger! Yes, I know sometimes we are akin to the Grim Reaper when it comes to that home that has been on the market for 623 days!
It does get comical at times when I do get those calls as they have become more frequent with all of the homes that are now on the market.
I relish those rare homes that I have one or two minor items to write up in the report. It makes my life so much easier when I don't have to right a novel on what I found in the home.
Scott Patterson
Trace Inspections a Middle Tennessee home inspection company 615-302-1113