
Communication...What You Don't Know CAN Hurt You!

Real Estate Agent with Real Estate Marketplace - Louisville KY

Imagine...You are faced with making a decision...your family's future may be riding on want to make it in total confidence...and you are without all the supporting facts? There are times in our lives where this is a necessary evil, however the sale of your home should not be one of those times! Considering what may be your family's greatest single investment, a lack of communication here can cost you thousands!

black dial phoneOne of the most common grievances heard from homeowners following the home selling process is a lack in communication from their real estate agent. Whether a reminder on ongoing marketing efforts, feedback from a recent showing, or market updates affecting the sale of your home, all communications between you and your real estate agent are crucial and should never be taken for granted.


Solid decision making starts with one possessing all pertinent facts of a situation. It is important to me and my business that all of my clients make the best possible decisions in support of their life's goals; therefore I consider it a professional challenge to keep my clients informed on all aspects of the sale. Here are some examples of my standard communications to homeowners throughout the home sale process:

  • Marketing & promotion updates to highlight ongoing marketing efforts
  • Feedback from recent showings as it comes in from the showing agent
  • Weekly or bi-weekly updates (your choice) to compile recent showing feedback trends and address recommendations stemming from buyers' response
  • Market updates as competing listings go under contract and new competition enters your market, as well as their effect on your listing's positioning


man signing contractCommunications throughout the process of considering offers to purchase and working through the potential obstacles in the sales contract will be the most crucial. This is where consistent communication from your Realtor will pay off by the thousands! Based on the periodic market updates provided, you'll remain well-informed and ready to make confident decisions when the time is upon you. Inspection, repairs, appraisal, the walk-through and closing are all time sensitive points where clear communication will help your prepare for the transition to your new home.


When selecting a Louisville Realtor to carefully handle the sale of your home, take the time to inquire into their philosophy on communication. Ask when you should expect to receive communication on the specifics mentioned above. Most important of all...plan to hold them accountable to what you've been promised. Don't allow communication to be the weak-link that couldn't hold a successful sale together!


Is there a move in your future? When selecting a Realtor in Louisville KY to handle the sale of your home, you should expect open and honest communication to be an integral component to the process? My commitment to communication starts with the first make that first informed decision and contact me today via e-mail, or call (502) 641-9802. I will be pleased to address any questions you may have concerning the home selling process. For more topics relevant to homeowners in today's market, please visit The Louisville Drop.

Joan Whitebook
BHG The Masiello Group - Nashua, NH
Consumer Focused Real Estate Services

Chris -- communication is key.  Seeing that phone in your post, I think I would suggest starting with an upgrade LOL.  Good advice.

Oct 01, 2010 03:25 PM
Susan Haughton
Long and Foster REALTORS (703) 470-4545 - Alexandria, VA
Susan & Mindy Team...Honesty. Integrity. Results.

Excellent advice - and you are exactly right, communications is so critical to our clients.  We owe it to them to keep them up to date at all times.

Oct 01, 2010 03:27 PM
Chris Dugger
Real Estate Marketplace - Louisville KY - Louisville, KY
Louisville REALTOR

Joan~ I searched all over for that old-school phone. Can't believe you don't like it!

Susan ~ Poor communication is the quickest way to be branded a 'non-responsive' agent. The client deserves our best!

Oct 02, 2010 06:01 AM