
Maltese Dogs

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Henry Realty RB14034017

Having been the owner of one of these dogs (daughter wanted one at age twelve and now is married and twenty-four) I am finding out they are prone to allergies. You really need to watch out for the food they eat. A Maltese will start to scratch and their hair will come out leaving them with huge bald spots. No fleas, just an allergy. Corn seems to be a big culprit but this is not always the case. Have your vet take test.


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Brenda Busch
Morris Real Estate - Bridgewater, MA

Great information Kevin!  I have a Maltese/Toy poodle mix and I haven't had any issues with food allergies but I have had issues with environmental allergies.  My dog is now 13 years old, very healthy, still going strong but the last 2 years during different times of the year, he starts sneezing and lapping his runny nose.  1/2 of a Claritin pill for a few days and it's gone.  I will have to watch for the food allergy.  Thanks

Oct 02, 2010 02:15 AM