
August at the Jersey Shore!

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Century21 At the Shore


   Hello and greeting to all,

       It has been a really mixed bag as far as the weather is concerned. Either we have had excessive heat       warnings and drout conditions or sooooooooooooooooo much rain that you need a canoe to navagate the local roads. Very odd for August which is usually just plain hot-humid-hot-dry-hot suffocating weather at the Jersey Shore. It is probably why most Jerseyites and everyone in the surroundig states run to the Jersey Coast. There is usually some relief from it all right on the Coast, sitting on the Beaches getting those wonderfully cooling ocean breezes.

        Those sho have chosen this particular week for vacationing at the Jersey Shore really hit the jackpot. It is just a stellar week, mild temperatures (mid 80's), very little humidity and beautiful clear-blue skies. Today is a real winner just as Monday & Tuesday & Wednesday. The weather forcast straight through the Holiday weekend is predicted to be more of the fabulous, delightful weather. How fitting that we can close the 2007 summer season with such a gift from God.

        So, if you have not firmed up your plans for the long holiday weekend why not take a ride to the Jersey Shore. Hang out on the beach for a while, walk the boards, take at chance and play some games, get a thrill ad enjoy some of the rides, grab a bite to eat and enjoy a beautiful star filled evening sky.

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Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
Kingsbridge Realty, Inc - Hubert, NC
Hi Nancy,
What a wonderful surprise and relief it is to get a week like you described in August.  Maybe it's a reward for surviving those 98% humidity/98 degree days.  LOL.
Sep 04, 2007 12:07 AM