
The infamous "Panic Button"

Real Estate Agent with Coldwell Banker Hearthside

One of my personal traits that I have to keep in check, sometimes more than others is my ability to "panic".  I tend to react then pull myself together and proceed on finding a solution. 

I know I'm not alone.  There are major advertising campaigns focusing on this "trait".   Nike's "Just do it" and Staples " That was easy" are front runners in addressing this trait - tactfully at that (IMHO).


I use three P words to help avoid the forbidden Panic!

  1. Predict - while not every panic situations is predictable, I strongly feel many are.  Experiences helps in this.  Those silent nagging questions or the concerns that start churning up the stomach are great tell-tale signs.  Knowing to recognize these symptoms is step 1.
  2. Prevent - Don't ignore the questions or concerns that popped up in your mind.  Sometimes even the minor concern can seem "silly" but be overwhelming.  This is where don't assume comes into play.  We probably all know what that means, but since I don't assume (make an A** out of U and Me).  Sometimes a quick "that was easy" phone call can eliminate everything.
  3. Prepare - this sort of goes along with Prevent, but it is different enough to be entitled to be on it's own.  I also think that this is where a lot of panic originates from - the lack of preparation!  This is one industry, especially when things get busy, where preparation sometimes takes the back seat. 

By paying attention to the these three P's, we not only limit the panic situations but another P work emerges.  Professionalism!

(I have to admit this is my first post like this and it is a bit scary to hit that "post blog entry" button.  It's easy, It's easy, It's easy as I say my affirmations for today).

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Bruce Bourgault, Vice President, Mpro
Central Pacific Homeloans - Honolulu, HI
Hi Judi -- Great Post and I agree with you fully.  When some thing does go astray, let's all work together to get it resolved rather than throwing rocks at each other  Aloha
Aug 30, 2007 03:09 AM
Susan Trombley
Trombley Real Estate - Wake Forest, NC
Broker/Realtor, Raleigh, Cary, Wake Forest, Youngs
I agree, when you listen to you clients needs you will make the right decisions to help them buy that perfect home for them and the process will go much smoother.
Aug 30, 2007 03:12 AM
Joe Adams
Major Mortgage USA/Branch Manager - Montrose, CO
Listen and answer and as we teach in our Stress and Rescue Dive class stop breathe think
Aug 30, 2007 03:28 AM
Rosario Lewis
DDR Realty - Newburgh, NY
GRI, SRES - DDR Realty - Orange County, NY
It is definitely important to control your own anxiety. Emotions, like "panic," are contagious. We set the tone. If we can keep it together and react calmly, others will follow suit.
Aug 30, 2007 03:35 AM
Hayden Gerson
HPM Financial LLC - San Diego, CA
What do you panic about?
Aug 30, 2007 03:36 AM
Judi Glamb
Coldwell Banker Hearthside - Hellertown, PA
Associate Broker, ABR

Bruce - throwing rocks and placing blame is useless energy!

Susan - listening an art in itself!

Joe - good analogy, one that I should be able to remember as a certified diver.  During labor 11 years ago, my husband threw out all the birthing breathing lessons and just had me pretend I was diving and had remain neutrally bouyant.

Rosario - I am very conscious of this - mostly in  front of customers/clients as often it's not really panic but a reaction.  I know an old manager couldn't tell it apart. 

Hayden - lately it's just been a battle of anxiety and feeling overwhelmed.   I could panic (usually internally) at the "smallest" dumb things.   Real panic is when you are a day away from settlement and the bank says the septic report is not good - shouldn't be in a checked box form but in written language.  

I had one manager that never showed negative emotions -it used to drive me nuts - now I strive to be like him.  Calm, cool & collective!  But I have to work at it - it is not natural for me.


Aug 30, 2007 08:53 AM
Donna Lueder
Integrity Group Inc. - Boise, ID
Meridian Idaho Real Estate
Love all three of your P's Great post and don't ever feel afraid to post something like this again.
Aug 30, 2007 09:54 AM
Diane Velikis
Coldwell & Banker Busch Real Estate - Luzerne, PA
Luzerne County Real Estate

ya did good, ya did good, ya did good! I appreciate your creative post on the 3 P's

Aug 30, 2007 10:22 AM
Tracy Santrock
Santrock Realty Group Inc. , - Cary, NC
Raleigh - Cary Broker
My trainer has a panic button on her desk.  It breaks the ice!! I just love it!
Aug 31, 2007 11:10 PM
Dan Forbes
Bradenton, FL

Good post Judi.  No worries.

Thanks for you comments on my post about being "FORCED" to delete a previous post.

Sep 01, 2007 05:05 AM
Patrick Canavan
Keller Williams Realty - Yorba Linda, CA
Orange County Real Estate Voice

Hi Judi,

The three "P's" are great.  Everyone has little moments of panic ;).  With experience I hope that many situations I have some across in the past will be less challenging.  Without experiences it can be very difficult to "predict".

Sep 04, 2007 06:17 AM
Rob Robinson- Lehigh Valley PA
Bertrum Settlements (Title & Abstract) - Allentown, PA

Judi, I 'love' the 3 P's. Panic is something that does sneak up on a person if they are not watching out for the telltale signs.  Preparedness in most cases, wins out.

Nice blog.

On another note.... mind if I give you a call later in the week? I was in your neck of the woods (Hellertown office) a few times recently - I [ shoot me ] didn't 'look you up ).  Maybe a lunch?

Sep 04, 2007 07:55 AM