I am not sure if anyone has seen this show on BRAVO called "FLIPPING OUT" , but it is about this guy who flips houses in Southern California for a living. It is a pretty funny show. Well i was at home one day after leaving the office for the day, and I am not that kind of person who reads into the "paranormal activity" at all. I could probably be discribe as a cynic. ok back to the tv, I turn on the tv to this show, and then the "flipper" Jeff is talking about how difficult it is for him to sell one of his houses. I am sure all of us know how that might be right now. :)
So this beautiful home has been on the market for some time now, and Jeff can not understand why it is still on the market. Normally this house would go right away with the changes he has made. Eventually Jeff decided to hire a Psychic to "cleanse" the house of negative energy. The house sold days later after the cleasning. I am thinking "what the...well, ok then?"
Well i found out when i bought my house that the woman who owned it before me had passed away. Not in the house but she had been dying there. Weird things like TV turning on (i have surge protectors every where) when i am home alone have been happening, and knocking on the walls (i do not have an AC), as well as a horrible ant investation. After watching that episode, i decided to let a friend of mine give me a tarot card reading, and I witnessed some crazy things that i would normally be cynical of while i was in her home. While doing the tarot reading we recorded on a fresh, blank tape the entire conversation the two of us had. What we heard besides our own voices in an empty house was the crazy part. The point, there was definately someone with us in spirit. Anyways, i had her cleanse my home, and i have had no more ants, noices, or knockings. The house just feels a whole lot warmer.
Well, i definately have more a respect after hearing some of the things i heard on that recording. Definately hard to believe until it is experienced. i hope all of you get a chance.