
Where To Eat Around Here

Services for Real Estate Pros with Warren Home Inspections
Every day they ask me questions. Most of them I can answer easily. What's that valve for? How do I turn that on? Those are the easy ones. The questions that stump me are those that deal with our local restaurant scene. Where do I go for a good steak? How about authentic Chinese food? Where's the best pizza? Honestly, I don't know.

I love to eat but I also love to cook. Most of our great meals are prepared and served right in my kitchen. We don't go out that much. So you see, I don't always have the answer to those questions. How about you? Do you have favorite restaurants in the Hopkinton, Holliston or Ashland area? Let me know. and let me know why. I'll publish the results in future posts and I'll have something to pass on to my clients. And who knows, if you tell me about a great place that I haven't tried I might even buy you lunch there.