Below you will find up to date real estate market statistics for your single family and condo listings in the South of Boston area. These stats show current real estate trends - helping you stay informed weather you are a buyer, seller or owner in these areas. If you have any questions regarding any of the data below please feel free to contact me directly at 508.431.1500 Ext. 202 or via email
All data is provided by the MLS Property Information Network and sold statistics are based off information from the past 12 months. If you would like real estate market statistics for your South of Boston MA area or city and cannot find them here, please let me know and I can send you a custom report!
Interested in last month’s South of Boston market statistics? Find them here.
Sheryle DeGirolamo
Phone: 508-431-1500 Ext 202
Kensington Real Estate Brokerage
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