
And the WINNER Is....

Services for Real Estate Pros with

We now have a winner of the contest I blogged called "These odds are muuuuuch better than Lotto".

Congratulations to Jim Gordon, a realtor with Sibcy Cline Realtors in Hamilton, Ohio, who has won 50 personalized change-of-address cards for his next closing. 

Jim, with as many points as you have on AR, it's no wonder you won!!!! You're on all the time.

Now, here are just a few particulars -- hard for me to believe, but there were only 20 entries out of the 25 openings in the contest. I'm guessing that many of you thought the contest was over and therefore didn't enter. Well, never one to say "uncle," I'm starting a new monthly contest on my website. I'll write another blog and give you all the particulars.

Thanks to those of you who chose to play!!!! 

Nancy Brenner
Referral Associates of Georgia, Inc. - Roswell, GA
Roswell Georgia Real Estate Agent

                   Congrats, Jim!

Aug 31, 2007 02:38 AM
Diane Adler - Marietta, GA
Well done, Nancy. I'm going to post another blog soon on a contest on my website. Stay tuned, You'll get more chances too!
Aug 31, 2007 02:45 AM