
The end is not the goal !

Real Estate Agent with Property Management Solutions

The destination is rarely the most important part of any story. Rather , it is the transformation in our lives and business's that occurs on the journey. Who we become while on the way.

As a Real Estate Broker , I have spent most of career around pretty positive people. That has transformed the way I think , the way I solve problems , the way I accept or do not accept certain outcomes.  I have become a differant person as a result of my experiences on my own journey.

Tonight and all day tomorrow , I will spend the time with three or four hundred business leaders learning how to stay in Convergence in my life and in my business. On Monday Dr. Wellnow (the conferance speaker )will leave town and I will be alone at my desk with new thoughts , ideas and vision.

This is the fuel that feeds my dreams , it shapes my day to day existence and changes the environment for me and others that come in contact with me. What I do with the new paradigm changes the world. It may be news to you but this is the only way in which the world changes.

One person , One thought , One new idea at a time.

I believe it was Author C. Clark who said that ' The limits of the possible can only be defined by going beyond them into the impossible."

Join us if you are local to the Sacramento areaand if not find something to motivate you to continue to press the boundaries wherever you are.


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Highland Beach Condos David Serle
RE/MAX Services - Highland Beach, FL
Boca Raton Agent David Serle

i agree positive thoughts breed positive results

Oct 08, 2010 03:14 AM