
New Lending Rules...Again...Goooood Times!

Home Inspector with United Professional Real Estate Inspectors, Inc.

The day is December 13, 2010.  Fannie Mae is changing its mortgage lending guidelines.    It will be good news for some and not for others.  How you will be affected depends on your credit profile and type of loan. 

The good news is, if you are buying a single-family home, condo or townhome to live in you won’t need Fannie Mae’s minimum 5% personal down payment.  It can be made up of 100% gifted or granted funds!   If you are buying a second home or multi-unit property, you will still need a minimum personal down payment.

The not so good news involves the two changes dealing with revolving debt.

·        Debt with less than 10 payments remaining can’t be waived in debt-to-income ratio calculations.

·        If you have debt that doesn’t have a monthly payment on credit, it must be assigned a payment that equals 5% of the outstanding balance.

As far as income verification goes, if you are a salaried worker/applicant whose commission/bonus is less than a quarter of your income, you won’t have to produce as many paystubs for underwriting.

If you want to get around any of this, get your loan application in before December 13, 2010.

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!


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Randy Ostrander
Lake and Lodge Realty LLC - Big Rapids, MI
Real Estate Broker, Serving Big Rapids and West Central MI

I think we were do for a change in lender policies. It has been almost 6 minutes since the last one. I can't imagine being a lender trying to keep track of all the changes in their world. Thanks for the post.

Oct 08, 2010 05:08 AM
Donne Knudsen
Los Angeles & Ventura Counties in CA - Simi Valley, CA
CalState Realty Services

Russ - LMAO at Randy's comment!  Welcome to our world - right?  LOL   I had actually heard this from my broker and we were talking about how this is going to really help me and my buyers.  My particular niche is working with low-medium income buyers, many of which are utilizing NSP funds or one of the other local dpa programs for the purchase of their first home. 

Condo sales around here are really tough because so many of the are not FHA approved so I have been using either the Flex 97 program or the MCM program in order to get the higher cltv's.  While these programs were designed to partner with community seconds, the adjustments on them can be a tad high for some condo buyers.

Oct 08, 2010 05:17 AM