In addition to being a Realtor I am also a feng shui consultant. I no longer do consultations, but I do use the practice when applicable in my real estate business.
About three years ago when I was still working in commercial real estate, I did a "Feng Shui for Real Estate" presentation to a group of top producers for a local real estate company. At the time, the market was beyond good and homes were selling in days with multiple offers. Perhaps my presentation wasn't timely, in that my focus was using feng shui to sell homes, which didn't need help. One of the points I made was taking down family photos to help a future homebuyer picture themselves in the house. One agent commented that it wasn't necessary to do this. And yes, at the time it wasn't. However, I cautioned her that the market always changes and when it did she would have some knowledge of feng shui to give her an edge above the competition and help sell her listings based on feng shui. Wonder if that agent is using feng shui today?
Feng shui is finally getting a bit of respect. It was the subject of a Bee news article last week. Feng shui is amazing. It's gotten a bad rap as a new age fad based on religion. It is neither of those. Feng shui is the ancient Chinese art of placement. It's about creating harmony in your environment with your personal material items. When you walk into a home and you just want to get comfy and stay awhile, that home probably is using the fundamentals of feng shui and the owner may not even know it. However, when you walk into a home and you can't wait to leave, the opposite is happening.
There are many excellent books on feng shui, but the best starter book in my opinion is Karen Rauch Carter's book, "Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life." It's a quick read and the author has the best sense humor.
Posted by Kim Jones