
You Wrote The Blog Post, But Did You Read It?

Real Estate Agent with MOOERS REALTY ME Broker License 106759

Engineered blog posts, crafted, machined with "1" and "0" that look like a standard issue blurp, splash, propaganda.

sock monkey Akin to synthetic man made gasoline, coffee, anything...think the Germans called it ersatz? When you study the "looks like a blog post" and walk around it, punching, poking, sniffing, some get through reader radar. Others cause a wrinkled forehead, one eye brow to raise. The "what was that?" response. Too much SEO injected? Or what's the point, purpose to waste a blog reader's time. Cause a distraction.

The purpose, direction the wind blows when the ends of your fingers open up, allowing blog posts to ignite. Your best are about the areas of the blog poster's life that is personal, passionate, colorful. What really makes the typer tick. Defines him or her beyond the facts. Just the facts, details. Perspective. Interpretation.

Because it's not mechanical and you play by ear, heart, conviction on those blog posts. Way deeper than surface work.

Like a painter who sets aside the portraits, landscapes with an eerie easel scraping sound while pushing across an uneven floor. Squealing, screeching sharp echo. Now the blogger really rolls up his sleeves a little further, tighter. Veers way left right. Or circles 180 degrees. Goes somewhere, wanders someplace down a path, avenue, alley he has never been on before. Without familiar surroundings, anything to get a bead on for reference.

Aren't those the best Active Rain blog posts? That do not cover local real estate markets in a glimpse? No tree sneakerssnapshots of homes, land, property, real estate. 

Nothing about the burg and boroughs the real estate professional peddles properties in. From the heart.

From out in left or right field. That zings.

Is creative. Not spun. Not needing explanation.

No heavy lifting.

Not much of a sweat to roll out. To whip the white sheet from whatever lurks, hides, breathes under it. The latest model but not in serial production. Just one. Maine, be yourself. Be in one of the corners of the country. Take off your disguise. Even if Halloween is only weeks away now.

I'm Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers


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Cal Yoder
Keller Williams Elite - Lititz, PA
Homes For Sale in Lancaster PA - 717.413.0744

Always important to write from the heart. I do love your posts Andrew.


Oct 10, 2010 11:30 AM
Pat & Wayne Harriman
Harriman Real Estate, LLC (203) 672-4499 - Wallingford, CT
Broker/Owners, Wallingford CT Real Estate

Wow, I must be more tired than I though...I can't make heads or tales out of this post. Guess I'll have a glass of wine or two and come back and try again. :-)

Oct 10, 2010 12:02 PM
Ken Cash
CB Select Real Estate at Lake Tahoe - 775.691.3855 - - Incline Village, NV
Lake Tahoe Lake Front Homes, Luxury Homes, Condomi

Maybe it's just me...  But why is this a featured post?  Just so I know in the future.  I have yet to learn how all this works....who picks a featured post, etc.   Mindless in Lake Tahoe,  just kidding about being mindless.  The weather is 69 and beautiful...  I'm just wishing I was outside.. 

Oct 10, 2010 12:58 PM
Susan Gaieski
Water Pointe Realty Group - Jupiter, FL
Director for Social Media & Technology


No rhyme or reason, but blogging to me is important - especially blogging about my community and what a great place it is to live, lots of history!.  Thanks..

Oct 10, 2010 01:24 PM
Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573
Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker

Thanks Laura. Not all meat and potatoes blogs.

Donald...The "1" and "0" machined blogs where there are paragraphs, words, images, links but you read two times and shake your head to see, focus on the thread. When there is none. Jus the SEO bell ringing you just witnessed. You've been punked.

Margaret...okay to cut loose once in awhile, like a four barrel V8 on a straight it up.

ANCRE... Thanks for the button push.

Steve...distractions, fall causes them after a busy, productive summer.

Lisa...The property you just listed, the community you love to live in, those two flavors take most of the center stage.

John...Still sending you a Christmas card and a evergreen wreath just the same. Smile.

Cal...Thanks my friend. Talk to John will you?

Pat and Wayne...that was the point. Not peddling property, not promoting an area. Just blowing in the wind. Once in oh, every 1200 blog posts, what the heck. Not SEO slanted either. The point is the purpose of blogging. When there is none, folks admire it or squirm.

Ken...I'm an glad it changed your life. It was not the History of the Universe, nor intented in that vein.

Susan... Thank you too. I think.


Oct 10, 2010 01:37 PM
Keith Sellers
Sellers Real Estate - Kalamazoo, MI
Greater Kalamazoo and Lakeshore

You livin' the dream out there in Maine?  I see either Swiss Browns or Herefords in your sidebar photos ~


Oct 10, 2010 02:06 PM
Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573
Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker

The black and whites, Holsteins are my personal favorite.happy smiling cow

Oct 10, 2010 02:24 PM
David M. Dwares
Title Professionals Corp. - Fort Lauderdale, FL
Title guy with a broker license

Ok, I read the blod post and my question, quoting the author, ("what's the point, purpose to waste a blog reader's time. Cause a distraction.").

If I didn't know any better, I would think that the point was the points.  Points for the post, points for this and other comments.  Obviously there is a reason Andrew has over 500,000 points and I have about 57 or so.  I can only write when I have something to say.

Oct 10, 2010 02:53 PM
Tammie White, Broker
Franklin Homes Realty LLC - Franklin, TN
Franklin TN Homes for Sale

We all love reading posts from the heart.  But this is also a place to post listings, market reports, local events...these may not be the things that other members want to read but that's what local consumers are interested in.

Oct 10, 2010 03:30 PM
Tni LeBlanc, Realtor®, J.D.
Mint Properties, Lic. #01871795 - Santa Maria, CA
Tenacious Tni (805) 878-9879

I am starting to think we are polluting the internet with all of our blog posts.  It's hard to get well sourced information when you google now you just get a blog page as the first hit.  Nice if the info is good, bad if the info is inaccurate.

Oct 10, 2010 04:47 PM
Joan Whitebook
BHG The Masiello Group - Nashua, NH
Consumer Focused Real Estate Services

Looks like you enjoy taking a bit of a frolic in the rain!  It is good for all of us to dance once and a while.

Oct 10, 2010 06:49 PM
Victor T. Gurrola
Remax Realty 100 - Diamond Bar, CA
Diamond Bar Real Estate Professional

Good post.

Oct 10, 2010 07:03 PM
Jon Quist
COLDWELL BANKER Howard perry and Walston - Clayton, NC
THE BUYERS ONLY Realtor since 1996

Most of my blogs are not about houses or statistics, but rather items going on around here that makes our area fun and interesting. My signature line always mention of stats available for the asking.

Oct 10, 2010 07:19 PM
Christine Donovan
Donovan Blatt Realty - Costa Mesa, CA
Broker/Attorney 714-319-9751 DRE01267479 - Costa M

It can be easier to write about statistics or a local area though it's more interesting to the reader to read something more personal or more creative.

Oct 10, 2010 08:00 PM
Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573
Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker

Dave... A post that looked like a post, paragraphs, images, copy but if you strip away the blog entries about market reports, about property listings, those highlighting the neat areas we all work in, what is left? The personal, transparency of the blogger on the other end. But many posts machined not for points, but for SEO.

Tammie.. Right on the money on that one. The audience, that needs to be fed, helped, served.

MP...Misinformation like what's in the food we eat is bad medicine, vittles.

Joan...Varied approach, variations on a theme and not the same old same old shakes it up. The comments are varied on this post.

Victor...(holding up a ten) Thanks.

Jon..You have an approach, style, personality that oozes out like mortar around your posts on property and local community.

Christine.. Agreed. I skip the stat posts, going thru screenfuls of posts to find one like a newspaper story that hooks you with the headline to glean, digest, consider. Thanks for stopping in. (Passing tray of bacon wrapped Maine scallops) Little tid bit before you continue surfing?

Oct 11, 2010 12:42 AM
Barbara Chatterton
The Stark Company Realtors, Madison WI - Madison, WI
Greater Madison Wisconsin Area Realtor

Hi Andrew-I am with you on the content and from the heart viewpoint. I have seen many posts which have managed to be a great read plus good market information.We can "feel" writing with heart and soul.  Some days when I am looking at peoples' posts to which I do not subscribe,  I just cannot manage to make a comment because of a total lack of inspiration and so to heck with 25 points if there is nothing gained in knowledge or no belly laugh or no food for thought.  Great post and I am glad Judi Barrett linked to you as I have never read your posts before.  I am glad I visited Maine once again.

Oct 11, 2010 01:04 AM
Roger D. Mucci
Shaken...with a Twist 216.633.2092 - Euclid, OH
Lets shake things up at your home today!

Your thought process astounds me Andrew and transfers to the page so well...............nicely done my friend.

Oct 11, 2010 05:36 AM
Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573
Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker

Barbara...hear you on what am I doing at the scene of the blog feeling.

Roger...thanks. Communication like music, art, writing has so many currents, directions. Now back to the meat and potato blogs posts. Like reporting the news, with just the facts.

Oct 11, 2010 06:33 AM
Roger D. Mucci
Shaken...with a Twist 216.633.2092 - Euclid, OH
Lets shake things up at your home today!

You have a gift!

Oct 11, 2010 09:55 AM
Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573
Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker

Not every blog post is about black and white, logical and "talking" to everyone listening, reading either.

Oct 22, 2010 04:20 PM