Conroe Homes -Montgomery Homes- April Sound Rocks!
Showing property in April Sound, Selling property in April Sound? What could be better on a lovely fall day in Montgomery County, TX.
Montgomery County was actually named for my husband's 3rd great grandfather. I am STILL trying to figure out how we do not own most of the county. Anyway, what a place!
Sunshine, a gorgeous lake -Lake Conroe and some of the best property values in the country. Who wouldn't want to make Montgomery County TX, Conroe or Montogmery their new home?
Check out for a FREE MLS Search of all listings.
John LOVES his new place!
WOW ---This Place is AMAZING !!!!
Check out this view!
Buying or Selling in Conroe - Montgomery - April Sound? I've got you covered ! The RIGHT Agent, RIGHT Now!