
Oh Please...anyone can see that!

Home Inspector with United Professional Real Estate Inspectors, Inc.

I love the “handy” people who think its ok to blow off their home inspection. If it looks good, it must be in great shape. 

Why would anyone stage their home and place furniture so that it hides broken tiles? 

No one would EVER paint over cracks in the walls.  That would be dishonest.

Plants would NEVER be placed to conceal rotted wood outside.

I can’t think of ANY instance where air fresheners would be placed on top of filters inside air vents to mask foul odors.

How about those over loaded closets hiding holes in the walls?  Nah! That would NEVER happen.

Buyer beware!  An independent home inspection is a must!  This is the largest purchase you will probably ever make!  Don’t save a couple hundred to lose thousands.




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United Professional Real Estate Inspectors is committed  to providing  home buyers, home sellers, and the real estate community a thorough, reliable, consistent, uniform home inspection service that is diplomatically based on the CREIA and ASHI philosophy and strives to meet high public expectations.

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Mike McCann Nebraska Land Broker
Mike McCann - Broker, Mach1 Realty Farm & Commercial Land Broker-Auctioneer Serving Nebraska - Kearney, NE
Farm & Commercial Property For Sale 308-627-3700

Great comments and thoughts...I recommend that all buyers have an inspection. I also recommend that most sellers also have one so they know what needs to fixed and hear it from an independent source that does not work for any of the following: listing agent, bank, buyer agent, or buyer.

Oct 11, 2010 05:24 AM