
What was it about my company logo that made him get angry?

Real Estate Sales Representative with Ethos Realty

I'm feeling a little confused as to what and why my client turned on me and became very angry when I showed him a paper aknowledging representation on an offer to purchase tonight.   Everything was going great, we sat down and wrote an offer had him intial the appropriate spaces, and then I pulled out a sheet of paper with our company logo on it and he just stood up and said... "I am not signing anthing that has a logo on it."!   I tried to explain it was a statement that acknowledges that since we were in a dual agency situation, all he had to do is sign knowingly that I represented the vendor and the buyer (namely him).   I couldn't even get a sentence out as he became very angry and repeated "I told you I am not signing anything that has your company logo on it."   I tried again to assure him all it was was a sheet of paper that I wanted him to read and sign that I represented both parties.... and he just more angry with me!  He got so agitated that he said he was ready to walk away from the deal.   I tried again to point out that on the offer to purchase there is a clause as to whom represents who and all this was is a seperate paper that both vendor and buyer sign.

I had to just actually rip the paper up and put it away!   He was ready to walk away from the offer if I continued to try and explain what it was.   To calm him down I suggested we put in a condition on the offer to his Lawyers approval as to form and content so he could feel better about what he was signing.  Even though he had already signed the offer to purchase and was comfortable with that.

It got very intense at one point, I thought he was ready to get violent.  His wife couldn't even understand why he was acting this way.  

 Hmmm... I wonder what underlying issues he has with logo's?


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Sharon Leigh
Sharon's Graphic Reality - Port Saint John, FL
(Graphic Reality) Got PhotoLogo? CandelLife@Gmail.
Now this has to be the strangest one I've heard of! LOL... Did the sale go through? Did you ever find out why he reacted that way?
Oct 23, 2007 04:43 PM
Tony Rinella

Hi Sharon,

Further to the story... They just happen to be driving by that day and peaked in the windows and decided they wanted to buy it.    I explained to them that the property has some water and mould issues with the roof as it leaks and that they should look at it first and maybe get a home inspection.  They thanked me for my honesty  but still wanted to make an unconditional offer.  Since he flipped on me and did not want to hear about his options (conditions he could put on offer) I decided that it would be best if they at least made it conditional to financing and lawyers approval.  My intent was maybe his lawyer could explain. The offer took place on a friday night late and thats when he reacted like he did.  The next day(sat) I dropped the offer off to his lawyer and he even said this was strange.   I really thought this deal was not going through.

On Sunday I get another offer (higher than the first) and we counter it back accepted subject to the first becoming null and void by Monday afternoon.   Monday comes and I phone the first buyer and inform him that condition has to be removed by 5:00 pm....  Well.. the language that came through that phone was... lets say not repeatable.   He called me every name in the book and accused me of trying to "pressure him" into a sale.   Again I could not get a word in edge wise and he hangs up say.... the deal is off!   I smile as I hang up the phone and say "good, cause I have a better offer waiting".   

By 3:00 pm that day his wife phones and says they are at the bank getting their fund in order.   Perplexed I say to her....I thought your husband said the deal was off???  She says to me " not that I know of".   Well now I really confused.  

5:00 pm Lawyer phones..... Conditon to lawyers approval has been removed.   Oh and by the way they don't want to deal with you anymore.   Surprise, Surprise......   

Now we have the financing issue.   Turns out he deals with a virtual bank and the funds will not be ready in time for closing.   Again I smile.... good cause I have another deal waiting in the wings.    (All along they don't know I have another deal and I'm not telling them that because I could just hear the words coming through that phone again).   "you are trying to pressure me again."

3 days go by and financing is due.... Lawyer phones and asked for an extention for financing.... My vendor goes "absolutely not"!    Of course she would say that....she has a better offer waiting.    Well to end the story they got financing in place 5 mins before the expiry.   They bought the place!  Problems and all.

Needless to say .... I won't be sending them a christmas card this year.  

Oct 23, 2007 06:05 PM
Sharon Leigh
Sharon's Graphic Reality - Port Saint John, FL
(Graphic Reality) Got PhotoLogo? CandelLife@Gmail.

Bipolar? LOL... I don't know, sounds like he has issues and it's surprising that he's married and can hold a job down by the way this sounds. You have alot of patience, that's for sure! No Christmas card? What if he wants to send friends and family your way? *GRIN*


Oct 23, 2007 08:18 PM

Bi-polar.... that's what I thought!  Well if he has friends and if they like him ..... no thanks.  LOL....


Oct 24, 2007 12:39 AM

Tony, are you sure you don't have a BA in Psychology as well as Urban Studies.  You have more patience than me.  OMG, I agree with Sharon that it's surprising some people like that have spouses, jobs and money ... scary !!

Sep 12, 2008 04:13 AM