If you are reading this and are a REALTOR you probably fall into one of a few categories:
1) You are a new agent trying to figure out how to create new business
2) You are an experienced agent still trying to figure out how to create new business
3) You are a new or experienced agent and don't care about creating new business (In which case you probably will not be in real estate long enough to finish reading this post :) I write this with a friendly smile on my face so you can't get mad at me)
One thing is for sure though, new or old, everyone wants to create more business with few exceptions. So how do you do it? Do you hold more open houses? Maybe. Do you send out postcards? Maybe. Do you pick up the phone and start calling people? Maybe.
Here is what I know for sure. For every 41 people that you come in contact with and have a real estate related conversation with you create 1 transaction. So if you were to ask me what should I do right now to start creating more business my answer would be simple; Get to talking! If you want to create 3 transactions this month that means that you have to engage in 123 real estate related conversations. You see how this works?
Unfortunately what most agents do is get desperate for deals and just start creating busy-ness for themselves instead of business. They have no real formula for what to do to create these transactions that they need. Well now you have it. Talk to 41 people and you will have your transaction.
Lets take this one step further. That means if you make a commitment to engage in 8 conversations per day and refuse to leave the office until you have done so that would mean that you would engage in 40 conversations per week which in theory equals 1 transaction a week. Over the course of the year you have guaranteed yourself over 50 transactions/year without ever taking into account your past clients or as our coaching clients are well aware of... their CORE 100 (It is a powerful business creator).
So now the question becomes how do you get in front of that many people to ensure that you are involved in as many conversations as you need to? I have a few ideas but what do you think? Post your ideas for getting in front of people below. I look forward to seeing your responses!
Feel free to repost this as well. Agents need to understand this principle. Real estate has and will always be a contact sport. Without Contact with the outside world you are an office worker not an entrepreneur.
Make sure to connect with Jared on Facebook as well by Clicking Here