
The psychology of your buyers!

Home Inspector with United Professional Real Estate Inspectors, Inc.


Sellers can gain a competitive edge by studying the research of the psychology of home buying.  According to Smart Money’s David Rout, subtle factors can be deal breakers in today’s buyer’s market.  You and I know that a bad paint floor in a room can be rectified by a few coats of paint.  Research shows that subtle factors like these can be deal breakers.

A study from the University of Texas really may surprise you.  It turns out that listings that boast renovations like “new paint, new carpet, and/or roof work actually end up with lower sales prices.  Buyers become suspicious and may wonder what is being covered up.



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United Professional Real Estate Inspectors is committed  to providing  home buyers, home sellers, and the real estate community a thorough, reliable, consistent, uniform home inspection service that is diplomatically based on the CREIA and ASHI philosophy and strives to meet high public expectations.

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