
MEME ME? This is a good thing right?

Mortgage and Lending with Academy Mortgage Corporation

Thank you to Jeff Belonger I have been given the task, honor?, duty of writing a MEME. Although this is all new to me, I am always game. So... I am to reveal five things about Me:

1.  I am a big fan of this Active Rain thing. In college I would have been voted "Least Likely to Blog" however in the "midday sun" of my professional career I couldn't have found a more interesting, revitalizing community of like minded professionals anywhere. I tip my hat to Bruce Bourgault and David Kucic for opening this world up to me.

2. I am about 24 hours - 10 days away from being a father! My wonderful wife Yuka is 38.5 weeks pregnant. You know that I am into the fatherhood thing when I talk in weeks! We are having a girl and I couldn't be more excited and concerned about raising her. Praying daily for her good health! Having a child is a great reason to focus on originating more loans!!!

3. Life Work balance is improtant to me. Here in Hawaii Golf is as common as Surfing and I love both. I enjoy surfing enormous mountains on the North Shore and have been doing so  since I was 17. I have built a quiver of over 15 boards ranging from 6 feet tall to 12 feet tall and have recently picked up Stand Up Paddle Surfing and took 3rd place in a 8 mile race in August. My golf game needs work but doesn't all of ours?  American Flag

4. I don't take Freedom lightly and I support the United States Military. We are able to help people obtain the "American Dream" because our soldiers protect the "American Dream". God Bless Our Troops!  

 5. I hired a coach. Never thought that I would go that route in my career, yet it has been rewarding to say the least. Most coaches study psychology, sociology, salesmanship and mine is extremely knowledgeable about Real Estate and more importantly the Mortgage Industry and she adds a new perspective to each day. My coach holds me accountable and has high expectations (15 loans a month personally high!) for me. Sure, without a coach I would still enjoy what I do and would be successful, however just like working out I reached a plateau and she is helping me break through that plateau and reach way higher. It has been a wild ride and I intend to buckle up and hang on for the ride!

Oh... One more Thing. I am a HUGE San Diego Charger fan!

Aloha! and thanks for reading...




Celeste "SALLY" Cheeseman
Liberty Homes - Mililani, HI

Hi Jay!  I was the girl on the beach waiting for the surfer boyfriend to come in back in the 70's (no wise cracks) and forced to golf in my teens. My mom still works at OCC and golfs every Monday with her retired military club gang. Please keep us updated with the soon to be newborn and by best to you and Yuko!

My son got out of the Navy last year. The day the war broke out March 19th he was on the USS Kitty Hawk in Japan. I'm just glad he's home.

Thanks for sharing your was inevitable to get tagged!

Sep 01, 2007 03:00 PM
Fran Gaspari
Patriot Land Transfer, Inc. - Limerick, PA
"The Title Man" - Title Insurance - PA & NJ


I like your post and I like your profile page. Good luck with that baby girl. I have 3 daughters--bookends to my 4 sons. I don't have time for a coach, golf, or surfing :^). Thanks,   Fran

Sep 01, 2007 03:06 PM
Jay Oku
Academy Mortgage Corporation - Ewa Beach, HI

Sally - Thank you For your comment!!! You are amazingly on top of our business, I have gained a lot of insight on Hawaii from reading your blogs. Thank you! It is an honor to get a comment from you... Aloha



Sep 02, 2007 06:06 AM
Celeste "SALLY" Cheeseman
Liberty Homes - Mililani, HI
Good deal Jay. I actually subscribed to your blog and came to comment when you popped up! Good luck...wanna see pictures of the babe! (my kids won't give me grandkids yet)
Sep 02, 2007 06:09 AM
Jay Oku
Academy Mortgage Corporation - Ewa Beach, HI
Fran - All that I can say is Wow! You are a baby making and Real estate machine (I visited your page). One child seems to be an enormous responsibility... and You have 7!!! Much respect to you my friend. Thank you for your comment.
Sep 02, 2007 06:09 AM
1SG (Ret.) David Kucic
Hawaii Military Realty, Inc. - Ewa Beach, HI
President and Owner

Jay-I just learned a little bit more about you my friend.  Best wishes to you and Yuka with Ai!  Jeff Belonger is a stud and a great contributor to AR and I am happy that he memed you.  Jeff deserves a heck of a lot more credit but he doesnt get it here on AR.  By the way, he is one of the "old Soldiers" of this network having served his Active Duty Army time.  Aloha bruddah and lets put some more in escrow.

Oct 05, 2007 06:16 PM
Jeff Belonger
Social Media - Infinity Home Mortgage Company, Inc - Cherry Hill, NJ
The FHA Expert - FHA Loans - FHA mortgages - USDA loans - VA Loans

Jay.... sorry that I am late to the party....  thanks for writing this and Congrats on the new born now, I would assume.  In regards to blogging, both in high school and college, I would have been voted least likely to blog and join the military. I have done both, go figure....  enjoyed your meme


jeff belonger


Nov 05, 2007 01:09 AM