
Torino area of Port St Lucie, Homes for Sale

Real Estate Agent with Florida Professional Real Estate Inc

Bank Owned Homes for Sale

The Torino Area of Port St. Lucie Florida is one of the most desirable places to live for many home buyers. Recent homes sales in the area are reflecting the buying public approval of this nice little niche of Port St. Lucie. The Torino area of Port St Lucie is considered by many to be part of St Lucie West; with out the deed restrictions that some of the gated communities of St Lucie West offers.

The Torino area of Port Saint Lucie was established years after the rest of the city was built. So the homes for sale in the Torino area are newer and larger than what you might find in other areas of the un gated sections of PSL. If you are considering buying a home in Port St Lucie's Torino Parkway area, call me. I would be happy to assist you.

Call Dan or Denise Allen at (772) 708-1487

Visit my Real Estate Blog at WWW.PortSaintLucieBlog.Com

Visit our Web site at WWW.FlBankOwned4U.Com

If you are looking for the best deal on a home for sale in the Torino area of Port St Lucie call us. We will help you find Bank Owned Foreclosures or Pre Foreclosure Short Sales. We can introduce you to the best deals on New Construction or Pre Owned Re Sales. No matter what you need we can help.

Recently sold Torino HomeRecently sold Torino Home

Call Dan or Denise Allen (772)708-1487

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LaMont FlanaganESQ

I am interested in this area for a retirerment home

Dec 16, 2010 05:06 AM
arlene lort

interested in seeing homes in torino,   live in the state of delaware.  present home for sale, not moving until lit sells, looking for prices up to 120k,3 bedrooms   if you could start sending pictures of homes for sale so we can get idea of what is for sale in our price range.   lot of movement on our house.

Feb 11, 2012 06:42 AM