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The City of Lapeer Michigan, Real Estate Market Today

Real Estate Broker/Owner

statsThe City of Lapeer, Lapeer County, Michigan 48446
Real Estate Market Today 10/18/2010
listings, sales, statistics

Market Statistics For Lapeer:
* Median single family home price is $128,181 - down 1%
* With a market action index at 14.72, currently a buyer's market
* Average property has been on the market for about 206 days -
   up 2%
* Median price per square foot is about $82 - (see chart)
* There are about 266 properties on the market - down 1%

6 New Listings:
* 1431 Indian Rd, $550 (lease)
* 593 Rolling Hills Ln, $900 (lease)
* 919 Baldwin Rd, $39,000 (bank)
* 245 S. Saginaw St, $52,920 (bank)
* 1440 Sherman Ct, $79,900 (unknown)
* 5177 Winchester Pass, $87,500 (short)

5 Solds Reported This Week:
* 834 St. Clair Rd, $28,700 (bank)
* 1226 Pine St, $21,500 (government)
* 520 Jefferson St, $55,000 (private)
* 3455 Farnsworth Rd, $86,000 (bank)
* 432 Mansfield Dr, $159,000 (private)


Price per Square Foot is a measure of value. Think of this stat as answering the question - "How much house am I getting for my money?"
This is particularly important if you are analyzing a market with a diverse mix of homes. For example, one 3-bedroom home (or Condo...) could be 1800 square feet and another in the same neighborhood could be 2200 square feet. If they are both listed at the same price, you'd be able to "get more house" by purchasing the 2200-square foot home (all other factors equal such as condition, lot size, highway access, school district, and all the other stuff that affects home prices...).
When examining the Price per Square Foot stat in a market area - a city or zip code - it's very helpful to know "how much house you're getting for your dollar." That's why we calculate Price per Square foot.

If living in town appeals to you, let's talk about how to make that dream a reality in the City of Lapeer.

To find out the value of your home or property, questions about real estate or mortgages, contact me direct at 800-628-7356 x 8065 or dhorne@cbshooltz.net TODAY!
references: altosresearch.com, bing
