
The Bar Of Expectations... Do We Have A Responsibility To Raise It?

Real Estate Agent with Brokers Guild Cherry Creek Ltd IA100052670

                                The Bar Of Expectations... Do We Have A Responsibility To Raise It?


                                         Bar of expectations

                                        Do you want to just step over this or help raise the bar?

Unemployment is at one of the nations all time high levels.  Well educated people who can read, think and reason are all over the work place applying for the same jobs as hundreds in hopes of maintaining their homes and food for their families. 

The law of supply and demand should be in effect now with having such a large supply of workers to fill the small amount of job openings.  The workplace should be filled with cordial, helpful and professional workers. Consumers should NOT accept substandard service and if you do not say anything, you are adding to the problem where you could be part of the solution.  

I am tired of stepping over the bar and making excuses about why the service industry cannot satisfy the consumer.  I feel I now have a responsibility to HELP the standards of service by communicating with management in a business like manner to do my part in monitoring the standard of care the customer experiences.

Earth to BUSINESS OWNERS from the Cosmos:  Consumers are talking and you might want to listen! 

  • Each customer should feel like they are important to the store or service survival.
  • Each customer should feel happy after doing a transaction with your business.
  • Each customer should want to connect with you in social media because they like what you provide.
  • Each customer should want to be a raving fan and share your information with their friends.

One perfect example of social media and consumer satisfaction ratings can be found on Yelp.  Our voices do MAKE a difference.  Foursquare is another venue where consumers can voice their opinions openly for others to read and assess.   Cosmic Shift Happens™ are you ready for it and do you know how to make a difference in it?

"Yelp is the fun and easy way to find and talk about great (and not so great) local businesses"

Sign Up Now

Recently, while in Phoenix we wanted to try  Jimmy Buffett's Maragaritaville and see what the food was like.  I looked at the reviews on Yelp and at the time, the overwhelming remarks indicated the food was mediocre and high priced but the experience was a good event. There were also mentions of a few quality items.  We thought about the food and cost but decided that the "memory" was more important and went anyway.  Yes, the food was marginal, the cost was high and No, we won't go back. Been there done that however, did not get the t-shirt.

How does a business modify in today's world to meet customer expectations?  It takes time and energy to READ what consumers are writing and to respond to make things right.  Ask Nordstorms.. they KNOW how to create customer loyalty and satisfaction.  I think "The Nordstrom Way" is a must read for anyone in business no matter what the product or service you sell.  They "Get It." Think about it... have you ever heard anyone say anything negative about service at Nordstroms?

National coach and "queen of bliss," Joeann Fossland did a post on how she used Twitter and facebook to work through a customer issue with Lowes. She used the power of her cyber connections to achieve an acceptable resolution to a conflict she had with a service representative. Lowe's was watching the twitter feed therfore responded quickly and to her satisfaction.

Sharing examples of how we can make a difference might help all consumers in some way.  Our mother's told us.. it's not what you say but HOW you say it. So say it nicely and professionally but tell all business owners or managers your concerns.

Our daughter got married 10.10.10 on the Colorado River in Laughlin, Nevada. Andy, our son-in-law from Colorado shot pictures of the wedding and took 13 rolls of film to Walgreen's in Bullhead City, AZ for 1 hour service so we could all have instant gratification with pictures.  Along with double prints, he ordered 2 sets of CD's with digital images of the photos so everyone could e-mail and share the wedding day.  The CD's were an important part of the package as we wanted to share the festivity immediately on flickr so everyone could see.  (So can you; click the flickr link)  

Andy took the negatives, 1 copy of the CD and the prints they wanted from the order and were back on their way out of town.  The honeymooners were not going to be back for awhile so the posting of the digital images was something they were looking forward to right away.  I got the 2nd set of prints and a CD to start the Internet input.  As I opened the CD I found the images were all upside down!  Yikes.. no batch edit on the CD so that meant 314 photos needed to be rotated 180 degrees individually.  This just did not seem right to me.  The bar of expectation was on the ground and I was going to have to step over it. 

Wedding party guys





    314 photos all upside down!




I called Walgreen's to do my part in raising the bar and got the photo department.  They told me that someone did the photos who was just filling in so if I wanted to bring the negatives back in they would make new CD's at half price.  The negatives were in Colorado, I was in Williams, AZ, 2 hours away from Bullhead City and that was not going to be acceptable.  The quality of the CD's were so grainy that it now appears as though some setting might have been wrong when they transferred the images to the CD as well.   I wanted a full refund on the CD's so the photo manager needed to check with the store manager.  Randy Winter was a very nice manager who called me back and agreed to give a full refund on the CD's to my son-in-law.  I asked him if Walgreen's had any social media sites and he said no.  I wanted to express my appreciation for taking care of the issues by tweeting or posting on facebook.  They were willing to re-do the CD's so if I had the negatives and didn't live 2 hours away I would have been completely satisfied. 

Working a plan B, I will be getting the negatives at Thanksgiving time in Colorado and then will take the negatives to a local Walgreen's and have them re-done with the right quality. It's a good thing I am adept at accepting plan B and know how to step over the bar or I might have been very angry creating stress and losing balance. I just built a bridge and moved forward.   I rotated the bad quality digital images and will get better quality photos 2 months later.

While having family fun with our grand kids at the wedding we decided to add a new rule of life to the 10 we already have.  It is the "10 second rule."  Anyone can have 10 seconds to have a "pity party" about something but if there is nothing they can do after assessing the information you have 10 seconds to feel bad and then you need to move on. Until we can help the service industry raise the bar we have to be able to process our stress without anxiety and know we are doing our best to actively correct the situation we have been exposed to.      

This is a wake up call is to ALL businesses.  When you have an opening and are hiring new people PLEASE do not avoid hiring people you think are overqualified for the position. That one person may just bring the quality of service up higher and once you start moving the bar up the other employees will start watching. The single action of hiring an overqualified person could possibly raise that bar for your customer service because of the example set by the one new hire, who understands customer satisfaction.

We do have a responsibility to expect good customer service even though it might appear to be negative energy to rectify the situation.  The time you take to HELP raise the bar will help other consumers in the end.

America is the greatest country in the world.  Let's keep it that way!

Comment P.S.  Remember that a compliment for outstanding service is the perfect way to create balance and respect in your community!

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Carra Riley & Declan Kenyon
Brokers Guild Cherry Creek Ltd - Westminster, CO
Helping people Transition at all ages!

Jane ~  I should go in and amend this post adding the compliment too!  It is just as important to keep the bar up high!

Ana ~  Thank you I just felt it was time to talk about it out loud to make a difference.  Too many people out of work for businesses to keep employees without a high standard customer service awareness.

Ginny  ~  I hope that is what eveyone got out of this.. do your best to help the situation but if your constructive suggestions don't work... don't let that take away your peace. 

Kathy ~  I did read "Minding the Store" and forgot about it.. thanks for the reminder!  Great book.  The TV show now going on where the CEO's are coming to work shows that business is waking up.  I think there needs to be some cages rattled so that workers that read, think and reason get hired in place of those who don't exhibit such qualities.

Oct 19, 2010 03:14 PM
Nick T Pappas
Assoc. Broker ABR, CRS, SFR, e-Pro, @Homes Realty Group, Broker/Providence Property Mgmnt, LLC Huntsville AL - Huntsville, AL
Madison & Huntsville Alabama Real Estate Resource

Carra, we do need to let those with authority know of our experience with their business good or bad.  My family has been in the restaurant business for many years and it was always appreciated when a customer told us what they thought we were doing right or wrong. 

When I have an exceptional experience in a restaurant or a less than happy experience, I let the manager know...that comes from experience in business not as a complainer looking for a free meal.  I agree with you 100%...why should we reward bad business behavior with our patronage, referrals, tips, etc.

Oct 19, 2010 03:26 PM
Carra Riley & Declan Kenyon
Brokers Guild Cherry Creek Ltd - Westminster, CO
Helping people Transition at all ages!

Nick ~  Great to hear from one who has been there.  We spend money in the real estate industry sending out customer satisfaction surveys as we want to know the feedback of the experience. Communicating in a business like manner really does help raise the bar for just plain human understanding and consideration.  The world does become a better place when we act respectfully.

Oct 19, 2010 04:24 PM
Dale Baker
Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections - Claremont, NH
New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information

Howdy and enening to you Carra

Carra, it sure is up to each of us to help keep the bar high. And to take the lead in each of our communitys and even State to do so. Always do for others as you want done for you.

Thank you mighty kindly for another of your out standing blog posts to read and leave a comment on.

Have a good one
Dale in New Hampshire 

Oct 19, 2010 04:29 PM
Carra Riley & Declan Kenyon
Brokers Guild Cherry Creek Ltd - Westminster, CO
Helping people Transition at all ages!

Dale ~  Thank you, yes, we should all live that Golden Rule!  You have a nice evening too!

Oct 19, 2010 04:34 PM
Kathryn Maguire (757) 560-0881 - Chesapeake, VA
Serving Chesapeake, Norfolk, VA Beach

Carra!  I just used Yelp in Arizona to write a review of my Grandmother's assisted living facility. It is a great way to get the word out.  Interestingly enough, after I yelped, they fixed the issue! Hmmmm....

Oct 20, 2010 12:54 AM
Ed Silva, 203-206-0754
Mapleridge Realty, CT 203-206-0754 - Waterbury, CT
Associate Real Estate Broker

Hi Carra, this is like 3 blogs in one. The level of expectations on service, especially in restaurants, should always be high. Eating is something we enjoy doing, and we always want a good memory and a meal. Bad service can make a great meal average.

Yelp was unknown to me, and is something I will take a look at again sometime.

Your Walgren's experience is unfortunate, but at least the manager recognized the issue and dealt with it properly.

In this current economy, with so many people anxious to work, employers should be willing to bring in the highest qualified person, willing to work. Yes there's the thought that they will leave if something that pays better shows up, but also, if their presence improves the business and makes everyone else more productive, that employer will win out in the end

Ooops, I guess that was more like 4 responses, not 3

Oct 20, 2010 01:04 AM
Carra Riley & Declan Kenyon
Brokers Guild Cherry Creek Ltd - Westminster, CO
Helping people Transition at all ages!

Kathryn~  Yelp was actually one of the social media forerunners... so good for you!  Business needs to listen to consumers and if they are not watching their "brand" on google they could be in trouble!

Ed~  You are exactly right.. it was 3 no 4 blog ideas in one.. I think I will go back and do each one individually.. see.. you just ROCK buddy!  I get too wordy... I should think in shorter sound bites!  I really should do a post on hiring the over qualified worker because it really will set the bar higher... and many of those people are NOT finding jobs anywhere cloe to what they used to make.. it is a credit to them to be willing to do anything to keep the cash flow going.. so my friend.. thank you for the gentle nudge.. to create 3 more posts.. I will look for you YELPING around town!

Oct 20, 2010 04:00 AM
Brian Madigan
RE/MAX West Realty Inc., Brokerage (Toronto) - Toronto, ON
LL.B., Broker



This is very good advice. Business owners should always strive to improve. Often, you only get an idea of who you are dealing with when something goes wrong.


Oct 20, 2010 04:51 AM
Ken Speer
Alpha Global Associates - Phoenix, AZ

Carra ~ Awesome post.  It reminds me about customer service in the food industry.  Today is the time for consumers to stand up for good customer service, and to do it responsibly.  If the service, food quality, or something is not to your liking, speaking to management is appropriate.  So is taking the time to recognize outstanding service, food, etc.

We were traveling recently and stopped for dinner at a crowded, busy restaurant.  We had a large group, a big order and lots of conversation, requests, and even some changes.  Short version is that we had a fantastic meal and time together.

As we were leaving, I asked to speak to the manager.  The young hostess looked like a Halloween teenager who'd just seen a major ghost!  The manager was a bit apprehensive, until I thanked him and the staff for the wonderful food and fantastic service, especially by the waitress.  She took all of it in stride, and was even having fun joking with us!  Just a little attitude goes a long way.  Obviously, the manager was please, as was the waitress.  Could you imagine not giving her a generous tip for such a fun evening.  That's a way to RAISE THE BAR!

Oct 20, 2010 06:53 PM
Carra Riley & Declan Kenyon
Brokers Guild Cherry Creek Ltd - Westminster, CO
Helping people Transition at all ages!

Brian~  Exactly right.. as a business owner we have to listen to what the consumer is saying and respond.

Ken ~  Great example of raising the bar with gratitude!  Thanks for sharing your experience!

Oct 21, 2010 04:41 AM
Joshua Zargari
MJ Decorators Workshop LI staging and home decorating - Lynbrook, NY
MJ Decorators Workshop

A great post Carra.

Oct 21, 2010 05:02 AM
ERNAL REAL ESTATE GROUP with Samson Properties - Bowie, MD
I don't make promises.I deliver results.SOLD HOMES

Carra I agree with Norma's statement. Some companies need to be careful. Especially companies who have employees that don't want to work. If you don't want to work,why the heck are you there? You better be grateful and thankful to God that you have a job. Some many people who are looking for work would love to take your job. If you don't be careful that is exactly what is going to happen. Great post Carra.

Oct 21, 2010 10:01 AM
Ann Heitland
Retired from RE/MAX Peak Properties - Flagstaff, AZ
Retired from Flagstaff Real Estate Sales

Sorry for that rotten experience. Good post.

Oct 21, 2010 08:24 PM
Carra Riley & Declan Kenyon
Brokers Guild Cherry Creek Ltd - Westminster, CO
Helping people Transition at all ages!

Joshua ~  Thank you

Lanre ~  That is what I say.. business needs to step up and either encourage behavior modification or hire people who value good service.

Ann~  Good to see you here... I presented a buyer Agency Class at NAAR today and was hoping to see you!  See you at the Inauguration in November.

Oct 22, 2010 01:20 PM
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Napa Consultants - Carpinteria, CA
Luxury Real Estate Branding, Marketing & Strategy


Great post and congratulations on making your points so brilliantly.  I think we all need to keep raising the bar daily.  It just feels good to do that no matter what one is up to!  Thanks for sharing your insights and perspective.  All the best, (How was the wedding?  Outstanding, no doubt.) A

Oct 23, 2010 09:41 AM
Carra Riley & Declan Kenyon
Brokers Guild Cherry Creek Ltd - Westminster, CO
Helping people Transition at all ages!

Ron and Alexandra... I am just thinking about how to reach businesses and send them the message.. get new employees who need to work and understand customer service!  The link up above to flickr has some of the wedding pictures.. I guess I should do a post on it.. several people have asked so thank you for asking it went great!  Not one ounce of drama! 

Oct 23, 2010 09:49 AM
Jim Frimmer
HomeSmart Realty West - San Diego, CA
Realtor & CDPE, Mission Valley specialist

I’m going to reference an earlier post of yours that I commented on about “creating transactions.” If we create transactions, isn’t that simply easy money from the bar being low? I might have to do a post about “creating transactions.” Might get some interesting comments.

Oct 24, 2010 06:58 AM
Liz Murray
Renaissance Home Staging & Redesign - Chandler, AZ
Professional Home Stager

I wanted to tell you about an "excuse" I got recently from a large distributor. A Fortune 500 company hired a woman to be their product manager for Sony.   I was looking at several Sony cameras for my staging business, and was trying to determine what might work best.  It seems this individual thought I would accept this.  This is where I RAISED THE BAR.  

First of all,  she couldn't figure it out.  She was representing a global company as their product manager, and could not  answer simple questions about a camera.   Her excuse was "I'm new, and I'll have to research it".  Okay folks, most of us are over 35, so how many times have we heard this?  

Here was my response to her team.   "I'm sorry she's new, but I'm old, and I don't have the patience to wait for her learning curve to improve.  You are a Fortune 500 company representing a global company, and this is the best you can do?  You need to send her back for more training".   Incidentally they agreed! 

Almost everyone I've told this too has laughed like crazy.  Perhaps it was direct, but I'm really tired of having to endure through the apprentice of the month.  In the end, I called the manufacturer direct, and what a difference in service.  

Let's face it, there will always be "newbies", but that shouldn't mean we have to accept poorly trained representatives.    Telling someone I'm old,  gives them something to think about when they say they are "new".  



Oct 25, 2010 04:44 PM
Carra Riley & Declan Kenyon
Brokers Guild Cherry Creek Ltd - Westminster, CO
Helping people Transition at all ages!

Jim ~ I featured your post on "creating transactions." Let's see the responses, great idea!

Liz ~  I love your response!  I would love to use it in some of the classes I teach.. it is the prefect response and companies should NOT let employees meet and greet the public till they "practice" enough to know the product!  Whatever it is they sell they should know the inventory and the product!  Great comment!  thanks.

Oct 25, 2010 04:53 PM