There is nothing worst than poorly done MLS photos, well except for having no photos at all. We have all seen our share of them at one time or another. We must remember that the goal is to get the buyer from the computer to the front door. We want them to be encouraged to book a showing. Bad photos are like repellents for buyers. They will often not even consider a showing after seeing photos that are pootly done.
Here are some strategies that may help you increase the amount of quality photos used in your MLS listings!
1. Pay special attention to the order that you place the photos on the MLS. The photos showing the homes best features should come first. We want to capture the buyers attention immediately.
2.Remove eye sores out of the photos like trash cans, refrigerator magnets, toys etc. Stage the photo.
3.If you can't get interesting photos and you are finding that the pictures are looking boring, empty, crowded, crooked, etc. then get some help with this task. Call a stager.
First impressions are critical on the internet. You want to put your best foot forward with this effort right at the beginning. After all, compelling photos speak a thousand words to our potential buyers.