
Masses of Mediocrity

Education & Training with Cherry Creek Mortgage/Summit Champions

The Masses of Mediocrity


Mastery in one's career and consciousness growth simply requires that we constantly produce results beyond and out of the ordinary. Mastery is a product of consistently going beyond our limits. For most people, it starts with technical excellence in a chosen field and a commitment to that excellence. If you are willing to commit yourself to excellence, to surround yourself with things that represent this your life will change.-Stewart Emery


Isn't remarkable how much mediocrity we live in?  The Ambassadors of Average, the Pioneers of Plain, surrounding ourselves with daily reminders that the average is acceptable.  I believe that 93% of those that I compete for business are mediocre.  That  leaves 7% to deal with.  The masters are the 20% of the 7%--the cream on the top.  That's where I want to be and I'm sure you do also.  Some of the characteristics of a Master are:


•1.      Masters do not allow mediocrity to creep into their lives or business.  They expect perfection.  Good is never good enough.  They live by the Golden Rule.

•2.      The Master does not treat their daily routine as chores but non-negotiable activities with purpose toward their daily goals.

•3.      The Master has a sense of purpose in everything that they do.

•4.      The Master maintains a positive attitude which results in powerful actions.

•5.      The Master works hard and puts in a full day of work.  He understands the value of time and will limit the use of it for unproductive activities and people.

•6.      The Master has innovative thinking.  He is always coming up with "Blue Ocean" ideas that will set his business apart from his competition. 

•7.      The Master in business understands his customer.  He is Questioned-Based, Value-Driven and Customer-Focused.

•8.      The Master understands the Power of Goal Setting and preparing the steps that set the stage of success.

•9.      The Master is a student of his profession.  Studying and gaining knowledge regularly is a non-negotiable in his weekly time-blocking.

•10.  The Master takes full responsibility of his business.  "The buck stops here" is his mantra.  He makes no excuses when things go wrong and will fix it no matter what the cost is.  He puts People before Profit as he knows that his reputation is on the line. He aligns his words with his integrity.


Why accept mediocrity when mastery is an option? People, just like water, tend to seek the path of least resistance. The problem is that the path with least resistance will lead most of the time to mediocre at best. If you expect the best from yourself, then start working to becoming a master of your life and business.  Remember, there are only a few who have set goals high enough to be considered a master in their profession and life.  I know that I fall short in many parts of my life, but I continue to strive for excellence in all that I do and I'm sure, you will also.  It's a Journey-It's a Quest to strive for.  Have a wonderful week!!


Tom Ninness is Vice President/Regional Production Manager for Cherry Creek Mortgage in Denver, CO.  He is also the President of Summit Champions, Inc. and creator of the "The 90 Day Journey to Your Sales Success", a powerful 90 day action plan for the sales professional.  To learn more about The Journey and Summit Champions go to  or contact Tom at   Office: 303-840-0753.



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Jeanne Dufort
Coldwell Banker Lake Country - Madison, GA
Madison and Lake Oconee GA

Tom - inspiring words.  Reminds me of a conversation I recently had on the golf course.

playing partner: remember, only 10% of golfers break 100 consistently - so we're doing pretty well.

me: that's nice, but I've always been a top 1 percent-er in goal setting.  So I'll be hitting the practice range.

Oct 24, 2010 02:13 AM
Phil Leng
Retired - Kirkland, WA
Phil Leng - Retired

Hi Tom,

I like that...

The Ambassadors of Average, the Pioneers of Plain

If that is original, you are a good writer.

Being a master? You can be a master of some things.

But not of everything...


Oct 24, 2010 06:17 PM
Tom Ninness

Thanks for your comments Phil.  When I write--which is usually around 5am on Saturdays, you never know what comes out of the cobwebs.  Must have had a creative moment. 

Oct 25, 2010 02:09 AM