I just got back from 10 days in South Carolina. Sitting on the beach watching the pelicans dive for fish was stress relieving but not what I mean about stopping the noise. When the noise stops, clarity begins. The noise stopped for me driving to and from my vacation destination. It is much the same feeling as taking a long airplane trip. I also experience it occasionally digging in my garden. Something about dirt and clarity or the Jersey Turnpike and vision is amusing. It is the total lack of stimulation, interruption and the monotony of repetitive action or sound that frees the mind to look inward instead of outward. It would be best compared to meditation. There is no agenda, no plan. What comes across your mind is natural and can be turned inside out, upside down with no judgment. I guess you would call it reflection with a totally open mind.
I recently visited an artistic friend who had a "room" of white tent material that descended from the ceiling. He would sit in this "room" for 6-8 hours at a time with absolutely no stimulation. Just sit. It helped him to get past his fears, his "little voice" and really acknowledge what he wanted and needed.
Here is some of my "Clarity".
- I need to spend less time creating and perpetuating Noise. (busy activity that makes me feel important but doesn't move me forward)
- The McCaffrey BRAND actually stands for something powerful and important but we are not doing a good job of articulating it.
- Our message is about being different from- not competing with, "The Others". Our total experience and focus is different. It is NOT about being the biggest. It is about giving our consumers what they want and need- confident, skilled professionals. More about this later.
- Blogging is about creating a dialogue with our "friends". Branding is a monologue and can't tell your whole story. Branding will let people know WHAT your are but not WHO you are- or something like that. That has to be established with an ongoing dialogue.
- The system of real estate does not welcome eager new talent. Training and compensation needs to change so that the newcomer can build a business more quickly. More on this later.
- The future and success of any company is dependent on finding and developing this new talent- not poaching each others' recycled middle producers. Some of these people have been with 4-5 companies in as many years. Lets concentrate on attracting these untapped gems.
Blogging needs to be transparent and real. Mine will be. It will challenge and enrage some but it will be honest and let you know who I am and what I stand for. I would love your honest comments. Remember, this is a DIALOGUE!!