
Halloween Apartment Safety Tips

Services for Real Estate Pros with Pythias Management - Property Mgmt with a Personal Touch

The following article was written by freelance writer Philip Hicks but I loved it so much that I'm reprinting it.


It's that time of year again, where ghosts, goblins and the walking dead once more invade your apartment complex demanding treats or delivering tricks - Halloween! For all of the fun the season brings, it's important to remember some basic Halloween safety tips as well.

Apartment communities can be fantastic places to trick-or-treat, but residents with children should be careful to only visit the apartments of people they know. At the very least, parents should always inspect their little devil's loot at the end of the night, being careful to dispose of any suspect treats that may be torn or unwrapped (unfortunately this should apply to a lot of wrapper-less and often more healthy treats such as candy apples or raisins). Baked goods such as cookies and brownies should also not be accepted from strangers.

Be sure to design your costume for ease of moving around your apartment community. Don't your lengthy ghost shroud tangle your feet at the top of the apartment stairs, and give yourself plenty of mask visibility (especially important when crossing the apartment community parking lot).

Jack-o-lanterns are one of the highpoints of the season for sure, but lit candles (especially left on unattended apartment doorsteps) can present a serious fire hazard. Try substituting glow sticks instead, which will not only avoid fire danger but will also give your pumpkin pal an especially eerie green glow.

Halloween parties in your new apartment are a great way to enjoy the season with friends and family, but remember to be courteous to your neighbors. Keep the 'Monster Mash' set to a reasonable sound level, and while bobbing for apples is always a blast, make sure that tub of water doesn't accidentally tip and come through your downstairs neighbor's ceiling.

So be sure to enjoy your own personal 'season of the witch', just be sure to put safety first and odds are good your holiday will be more treats that tricks!

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Unless otherwise specified, all text contained herein Copyright © 2010 Michelle Stuart. All rights reserved.

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Wallace S. Gibson, CPM
Gibson Management Group, Ltd. - Charlottesville, VA

I no longer allow candles that are not in a glass enclosure in my leases; however, these are GREAT suggestions for enjoying Halloween festivities in multi-unit buildings.

Oct 26, 2010 08:18 AM
Moby - Santa Monica, CA

Michelle, these are great tips, thank you for sharing them with us. I especially agree with the Jack-o-lantern glowstick concept!

Francesca Nurlu

Oct 28, 2010 06:58 AM