Hi, I'm Toby Bowes. My adopted Mom says I'm really smart and totally cute. She asked me if I would be her "Spokes Dog" and tell you a little bit about her. I said, "Okey Dokey". (Well, I really said "arf", but she knows what I mean)
She's really good at listening and understanding my needs. Humans seem to like that about her too.
Mom is a very good Realtor and she can help you sell your house fast and make you lots of money. (then you can buy your dog more chew toys)
If you are looking for a new home, she can help you find exactly what you want.
If you have a doggy like me, she knows we need a little grass to....er... roll in. Other than that, we're flexible. If our humans are happy, we're happy. Mom knows how to make humans happy too.
My mom has a cat too, her name is Sadie. That's short for Mercedes - she thinks she's hot stuff. I have no idea what cats like. Mom says they like to have their "space" and they especially don't like to be chased.
Anyway, what ever you need, my mom can help. She will help you buy or sell your house, she does all the paperwork, and handles the gazillion details, so you don't have to worry about anything.
You can spend more time rubbing your doggies' belly. We really, really like that.
Well, it's time for my nap now. This spokes dog stuff has worn me out. Just remember to call my mom and tell her Toby sent you. (I get treats if you mention my name)
If you want to see more pictures of me and some more Real Estate stuff, see my mom's website at: http://www.judybowes.com/
Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, her name is Judy Bowes, and she works at Heiden Homes in Grand Junction, Colorado.
Nice meetin' you.