How many pschiatrists does it take to change a lightbulb?
Only one, but the bulb really needs to be committed to change.
What do you have when you have 20 lawyers buried up to their necks in sand?
Not enough sand.
My favorite blond joke:
A blond was roaring down the highway in her little red sportscar doing about 110 mph
A blond cop saw her, turned on her flashing red lights, and pulled her over.
The blond cop walks up to the car and says, "Can I see your drivers' license, please?"
The blond driver starts pawing through her purse for her license, but can't find it. "What does it look like?" she asked the cop.
The cop replies, "Well, its square, and it's got your picture on it.
The blond driver digs some more, and comes up with a square mirror. She looks at it and sees herself. "Oh, here it is", and hands the mirror to the cop.
The blond cop looks in the mirror and says, "Oh, I'm sorry, If I had known you were a cop, I wouldn't have pulled you over.