Whenever my clients have questions about property taxes, building permits needed for remodeling or new construction, building rules and laws for here in the mountains, I direct them to our Twin Peaks County Office. This saves them tons of time and a trip off the mountain.
(Always call for hours, as they change from time to time).
Building & Safety/ DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE Twin Peaks.
There are new office hours. Check below:
26010 State Highway 189 Ph: 909) 336-0640
P.O. Box 709 Fax: (909) 336-0616
Twin Peaks, CA 92391 Inspections: (909) 336-0641
Serving the areas of Crestline, Lake Arrowhead, Running Springs, Twin Peaks, and Waterman Canyon. Office hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday only, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, office will be closed for 30 minutes during lunch time.
ALSO at this location is our Sheriff's Office, Tax Assessor and Court House.
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