
Realtor feet?

Real Estate Agent with Broker Direct Real Estate

Pete Willner - Who Will? Pete Will! - Broker Direct Real EstateAs I was walking an open house the other day I had the pleasure of experiencing Realtor feet. The best part about it is that it occurred just as the listing agent proclaimed "this is an addition." You don't say, and not a very good one I thought to myself. If the fact that we were no longer eye to eye in stature wasn't a clue I don't know what was. I'm just glad my feet have become such a great diagnostic if I could only write them off as a business expense.

Pete Willner
Who Will? Pete Will!
Broker Direct Real Estate
Murrieta, CA.


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HomeRome Realty 410-530-2400 - Pikesville, MD
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I love this picture!

You are so right about Realtor Feet. We can find out so much about a property by observing and using our own natural tools.

I really like your "Who Will? Pete Will!:


Nov 07, 2006 08:18 PM