
5 Ways to Make a Home Inspection Less Spooky

Real Estate Agent with WOW Real Estate

Florence AL homebuyers:  Great information below on home inspections and what to expect.  Happy Halloween! 


Via Chrissy Doremus ~ U.S. Inspect ~ Home Inspections

The home inspection is a very important step during the buying process, but for some reason, it is a step that can give some buyers -and even some seasoned real estate professionals- an awful fright! So, in honor of Halloween on Sunday, here are my 5 Ways to Make the Home Inspection Less Spooky!

Haunted House

  1. The Spook: Home inspections are just plain scary.
    The Scoop: OK, they are only scary if you let inspection myths control your experience. The truth is, we aren't scary people and we are here to educate, not get you shaking in your boots. What makes home inspections scary for some people, is actually past experiences, disappointments or just plain nerves. The good news is that most of that can be helped by just choosing the right inspector. The rest can be helped by acknowledging the concerns you may have. If it's your first home, it's OK to be nervous, if you've had past inspections not go as you liked, it's also OK to say hey, this is a different house and a different inspection-everything is gonna be OK.
  2. The Spook: Maybe this house is more work than I thought.
    The Scoop: You might see the house differently on inspection day, then you ever have before. The home inspection is often the first time you will look at the house more "analytically" instead of "emotionally." It can be difficult if you are not prepared for the step-by-step evaluation of the house. But if you are prepared for the slight change of perspective that the home inspection may bring, the process becomes much easier.
  3. The Spook: The house is not perfect anymore.
    The Scoop: Ok, but rest assured, there is no such thing as a perfect house. Prepare for the fact that some defects may be found in the house, but keep in mind that every house-even a new house-has some. The inspection report and the inspector will help distinguish between big problems and small ones. Ask questions during the inspection. Think about your concerns and needs prior to that day and make sure you get the answers you require. 
  4. The Spook: The house is great, but the report still mentions a lot about required maintenance.
    The Scoop: Buying a home is similar to buying a pre-owned car. One must always expect maintenance and some unexpected repairs. No inspection can completely eliminate all risks, and all homes require maintenance, repair, and care. It is important to be comfortable with this concept prior to the inspection experience-especially those who have never owned a home before.
  5. The Spook: For what they are asking for this house, it should have been flawless!
    The Scoop: Unfortunately, home price and home condition do not go hand-in-hand. Price has much more to do with location and the market conditions than anything else. After all, even million-dollar homes have defects. So no matter what the purchase price, avoid falling into the trap of expecting a flawless house.

Posted By: Chrissy Doremus, U.S. Inspect Blog


For more information on Florence Alabama real estate,
feel free to contact me ...I would love to help you find your way home!

Deidre Berry, REALTOR ~ Florence, AL
Your search for Florence AL homes for sale starts HERE!

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Patrick White
Home Driven Realty, Inc - Baldwin, NY
Driven to bring New Yorkers home

Hi Deidre

Thanks for the post and re-blog of the 5 ways to make a home inspection less spooky. Have a great day.

Oct 30, 2010 03:10 PM
Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573
Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker

Dealing with issues before closing is so much better than after the sale.

Oct 30, 2010 03:17 PM
Cathy Glass
Realty Executives Associates - Knoxville, TN
Realtor - Knoxville, Tennessee

Some inspectors prepare the clients for the experience beforehand, and then after the inspection present the report in a non threatening manner. And then there is I mean some who seem to take pleasure in scaring the daylights out of the customer. It's always a miracle to me that they still want to buy the house.

Oct 30, 2010 03:24 PM
John Pusa
Glendale, CA

Deidre - Excellent information and tips on making a home less spooky. Thank you for sharing a very good blog.

Oct 30, 2010 05:27 PM
Rick Bunzel
Pacific Crest Inspections - Anacortes, WA

Disclosure Disclosure and prep the client for the inspection. If a lot of smaller issues are popping up in an inspection I will usually pause and remind the client they are paying me to identify all the issues not the positives aspects of the home. In many cases if the clients had done some homework and knew what to expect there would be less of a scare to the buyers I usually will send an article such as Buying a home for the first time.



Rick Bunzel, CRI
Pacific Crest Inspections

WA Licensed Home Inspector #312
ASHI Certified #249557
NPSAR Nominee Affiliate of the Year 2009-2010
NAHI Member of the Year 2008
NPSAR Affiliate of the Year 2006-2007
Fax 360-588-6965

Toll Free 866-618-7764

Anacortes Home Inspections
Orcas Home Inspection

Nov 02, 2010 07:35 AM
Rick Bunzel
Pacific Crest Inspections - Anacortes, WA

Disclosure Disclosure and prep the client for the inspection. If a lot of smaller issues are popping up in an inspection I will usually pause and remind the client they are paying me to identify all the issues not the positives aspects of the home. In many cases if the clients had done some homework and knew what to expect there would be less of a scare to the buyers I usually will send an article such as Buying a home for the first time.



Rick Bunzel, CRI
Pacific Crest Inspections

WA Licensed Home Inspector #312
ASHI Certified #249557
NPSAR Nominee Affiliate of the Year 2009-2010
NAHI Member of the Year 2008
NPSAR Affiliate of the Year 2006-2007
Fax 360-588-6965

Toll Free 866-618-7764

Anacortes Home Inspections
Orcas Home Inspection

Nov 02, 2010 07:35 AM