
Got Stuff? Offering Professional Tag Sale Services

Home Stager with Styled and Sold Home Staging and Staging Training

(Tagged), Styled and Sold

A new hat has fallen into my lap! It can work beautifully in conjunction with my Home Staging services. Using our knowledge of pricing, furniture, accessories, advertising and display we are now offering professional tag sale services.

Wearing many hats



Minnie Pearl Hat

Professional Tag and Estate Sales
Whether you or your clients are moving or de-cluttering to stage and sell, our team of professionals will provide all of the services needed to sell the contents of a home or estate including: pricing, organizing, display and staging of the merchandise,
advertising and conducting the actual sale. We are fully insured. We can arrange for deliveries. We'll do all of the work! We turn your stuff into cash. No cost to you up front. We make our fees by selling your stuff for the most money possible.

Our blog can be viewed here:


Call Allegra at Styled and Sold to learn more about it. 631-899-3305

Posted by

Allegra Dioguardi

Styled and Sold Home Staging

Staging Training by Design

Styled by Design E Book


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Kathy Streib
Cypress, TX
Home Stager/Redesign

Allegra- what a great addition to your service... and a natural one too.  Many sellers are overwhelmed when trying to decide what to do with all of their "extras" that they have decided to remove from their home.  Good luck with it and keep us informed. 

Nov 03, 2010 07:23 AM
Allegra Dioguardi
Styled and Sold Home Staging and Staging Training - Westhampton Beach, NY
Home Staging & Training, Suffolk Co. Long Island

Thanks Kathy, I'll keep you posted. It kind of fell in my lap, literally with a client who needed to sell stuff in order to stage. A beautifully displayed/staged tag sale garners more money. Suddenly, one mans trash is another mans treasure by the way it is displayed.

Nov 03, 2010 07:34 AM
Cindy Bryant
Redesign Etc. Home Staging - Houston, TX
"Houston Home Staging Pros"

Much easier for an unbiased person to price it, vs. the owner.  Great idea!

Nov 03, 2010 04:26 PM
Allegra Dioguardi
Styled and Sold Home Staging and Staging Training - Westhampton Beach, NY
Home Staging & Training, Suffolk Co. Long Island

So true Cindy. I'm sure you have experienced clients who happily tell you that they "already de-cluttered" and you find out they got rid of the wrong things. This is a sure fire way to avoid that too!

Nov 04, 2010 08:07 AM
Ed Kurosz , Lic. Assoc. RE Broker
Douglas Elliman Real Estate - Westhampton Beach & Quogue - Westhampton Beach, NY
Douglas Elliman Real Estate Hamptons & North Fork

Wow... instant new side offering. Not only stage the home for sale... but also sell the excess *&%$@* with beautiful presentation and achieve top dollar for it.

Nov 07, 2010 01:06 AM
Allegra Dioguardi
Styled and Sold Home Staging and Staging Training - Westhampton Beach, NY
Home Staging & Training, Suffolk Co. Long Island

Exactly! You DO have a way with words Mr. Kurosz. Thanks for your comment!

Nov 07, 2010 02:52 AM
Ed Kurosz , Lic. Assoc. RE Broker
Douglas Elliman Real Estate - Westhampton Beach & Quogue - Westhampton Beach, NY
Douglas Elliman Real Estate Hamptons & North Fork

Well, Ms. Dioguardi...... do you have any sales in our area coming up on the horizon that we should know about?

Dec 27, 2010 04:29 PM
Allegra Dioguardi
Styled and Sold Home Staging and Staging Training - Westhampton Beach, NY
Home Staging & Training, Suffolk Co. Long Island

Ed, as a matter of fact I do! I have an Estate Sale scheduled for Jan. 13, 14th and 15th on Linden Lane in Quiogue 10 AM to 4 PM. I'm in the process of creating a web page for it now. I'll come back and post the link. It's the entire contents of the house and includes everything from the ordinary to the sublime! High end designer furniture (Maitland Smith), antiques, the contents of a well stocked kitchen, a very good drum set, beds, linens, oriental rugs, lamps, artwork and accessories.

Here is a small sampling! Mark your calendar!

mirrored screen

mahogany drum table for sale

mahogany secretary for saleantique trunk for sale

Dec 28, 2010 01:47 AM
Allegra Dioguardi
Styled and Sold Home Staging and Staging Training - Westhampton Beach, NY
Home Staging & Training, Suffolk Co. Long Island

I have started a Blog on which I will post upcoming sales. Click here.

Dec 29, 2010 09:10 AM