(Tagged), Styled and Sold
A new hat has fallen into my lap! It can work beautifully in conjunction with my Home Staging services. Using our knowledge of pricing, furniture, accessories, advertising and display we are now offering professional tag sale services.
Professional Tag and Estate Sales
Whether you or your clients are moving or de-cluttering to stage and sell, our team of professionals will provide all of the services needed to sell the contents of a home or estate including: pricing, organizing, display and staging of the merchandise, advertising and conducting the actual sale. We are fully insured. We can arrange for deliveries. We'll do all of the work! We turn your stuff into cash. No cost to you up front. We make our fees by selling your stuff for the most money possible.
Our blog can be viewed here: https://hamptonstagsalesestateslaes.wordpress.com/
Call Allegra at Styled and Sold to learn more about it. 631-899-3305