
Tourism Show at Ocean Center in Daytona Beach

Real Estate Agent with FunCoast Realty 386-405-4408

A few days ago I noticed an ad that there is a Tourism Show at our recently expanded Ocean Center in the heart of Daytona Beach.

One day only, from 1PM to 7 PM. I never went to Tourism Show, and thought that it might be interesting to stop by.

The huge (by Daytona Beach standards) Ocean Center looked deserted, and the main door was closed. There was a man waiting at the door, but he did not know more than I did. While waiting, I looked around.

This is not the largest Convention Center in Florida. You can’t even put it close to Orlando’s magnificent Orange County Convention Center, or much smaller Convention Centers in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Tampa, which are ahead of us…

Ocean Center DaytonaDaytona’s is #5 if you stack them by size. But Volusia County Convention Center is the only one in the State of Florida, which is on the Ocean. Yes, it is on the Atlantic Ocean, and all you need to do is cross the street and you are on the Beach.

Oceanfront Hilton Hotel is directly across from the Ocean Center. If you came for a Convention, take the family with you, and while you are sweating at the Convention, the family can enjoy the beach…

The Tourism show was relatively small – about 50 vendors, but I did not expect it to be so interesting and engaging. There were plenty of people, and there were so many interesting things there. There were representatives from major Daytona Area hotels, restaurants, various businesses catering to residents and guests. Tons of flyers, magazines, and, of course, coupons.

Unfortunately, I did not have time to stay long, and I missed “… a free 3 p.m. presentation by world-renowned "beachologist" Dr. Stephen Leatherman FunCoast Realty(AKA Dr. Beach) -- and a fascinating 4:30 presentation by local outdoor/trails expert Herb Hiller.” (Click here for more) 

 I brought some good stuff from the show and plan to write a few blogs based on them.

Sandy Shores FL Realtor®, Melbourne Real Estate
M & M Realty of Brevard Inc. - Melbourne, FL
Brevard County Real Estate, Florida's Space Coast

Jon, The Convention centers in Florida are beautiful buildings, aren't they?

Dec 10, 2010 06:15 AM
Jon Zolsky
FunCoast Realty 386-405-4408 - Ponce Inlet, FL
your Daytona Condo Agent

Sandy - they sure are. thanks for stopping by

Dec 11, 2010 06:43 AM