Welcome to our blog! We are The Claus Team of Keller Williams Realty. Yes, we have now entered the cyber world of blogging. I, Dustin Curlee, will typically be the one authoring these blogs, although Jeanine Claus may be writing something from time to time. We hope to give you pertinent information regarding the real estate market in the Schertz, Cibolo, and surrounding areas (San Antonio, Boerne, Bulverde, etc), as well as any general information that rolls from my fingertips.
I did want to let everyone know about the links to the left of this post. One of the really awesome links that we have that might be of particular interest to many people, is the MLS Search link. If you don't know what MLS stands for, it is the Multiple Listing Service. This link will give you the ability to search the entire South Texas area for homes that are currently (Teaser - I'll explain the "currently" remark tomorrow) on the market.
Please feel free to comment on any of our blog entries, or the site in general. I'm sure that our blog site will be a work in progress. The Internet does seem to move at a lightning pace! Also, you can e-mail us (clausrlty@aol.com) with a topic that you'd like discussed. I'm really good at research, which means that I go to Google.Com and type in basic information, then hit return. :)
Until tomorrow...
Hi Jeanine-
I see this is your first post on Active Rain. Congratulations!! I just wanted to welcome you to a fantastic Real Estate Industry Network!
Welcome aboard, I hope you'll continue to blog, and invite others. Wishing you all the success the industry has to offer.
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Ray Saenz
Thank you all so much for the responses. It's nice to know that someone is actually seeing what you are writing.
I will continue to blog on a litlte of this and a little of that, just trying to keep people informed about...well, a little of this and a little of that. If anyone ever has any requests, please let me know.
Thanks so much,