
Referral alert!!! Huh???

Real Estate Agent with Coldwell Banker 01191797

So, what am I doing wrong? Every now and then I get an email from the Rain, letting me know that I have a referral alert match. I'm thinking cool, a little help from the Rain!! So, I follow the instructions, I do not call if they do not want me to, I email back "I am here and waiting to help!" along with my resume or whatever qualifications that are requested.....wait.....wait some more.... nothing!

Now, maybe there are others more qualified,(I doubt that) or maybe someone beat me to it, wouldn't it be nice to know? What about an email saying "hey,thanks I have that referral handled, appreciate the response!"....

Am I missing a step? Maybe I'm just crabby....


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Trish Sarfert
Coldwell Banker Realty - Pensacola, FL
Serving military & civilian relocations!

Quincy, I know when I put a referral out, I get so many responses so quickly that it's almost inmpossible to respond to everyone, but if there's not too many, I try to let them all know when I've chosen someone.  I know that when I respond to a referral alert, I NEVER hear anything back, and I've never gotten the referral - even though I happen to think I'm a pretty darn good agent ;-)

Nov 05, 2010 11:21 AM
Ted Tyrrell
RE/MAXCamosun (Chatterton) - Victoria, BC
Selling Homes in Beautiful Victoria

I don't exactly know how it works, but Trish's response above makes it fairly clear how it works either way.


Nov 05, 2010 11:49 AM