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What is iTINGL Mobile Advertising?

 [[name]], iTINGL Mobile Advertising is also called iTINGLMobile Marketing, are promotions designed for mobile phones, cell phones, PDA's and other mobile devices. It takes advantages of iTINGL text messaging technology. SMS, meaning Short Messaging Service, is commonly referred to as text messaging. Bulk SMS advertising consists of short messages generally no more than 160 characters in length that are sent to cellular phone. iTINGLMarketing is a rapidly growing marketing technique that is widely available to a broad range of consumers.

[[firstname]], Mobile Marketing has shown great effectiveness in delivering messages to consumers as virtually all of the clientele will be reached, with over 90% of SMS text messages read. iTINGL Marketing is a direct, personal, and effective marketing medium, producing unparalleled exposure to your products and services. iTINGL Text Messaging has become popularized by the hit show American Idol (#1 television program in US) and Deal or NO Deal.

With iTINGL you can deliver targeted promotions to consumers 

Mobile Advertising expenditures in 2006 are estimated at $1.6 billion dollars worldwide, and are expected to reach $13.9 billion by 2010 according to eMarketer. [[firstname]], this phenomenal rate of growth is because of mobile advertising's success rate and the sheer number of mobile devices in the world. 
There are well over 150 million cell phones in the United States alone. This presents a unique possibility for businesses to connect to their customers everywhere they go. Mobile Advertising offers huge opportunities for creative marketing and brand connection, as well as huge challenges overcome.

Richard Simpson

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Ken's Home Team LLC. | 360.609.0226 | Portland, OR & Vancouver, WA Real Estate Team
Ken's Home Team LLC. - Vancouver, WA

that is nice, I will be looking into this and see what happens cost is high however will be able to get intouch with many people

Nov 07, 2010 04:32 AM