
Apple offers $100 to $200 back on iPhones

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Were you an early adopter? Upset about having an iPhone now that the announcement was made yesterday that the price is dropping by $200 effective this weekend? Well, I have some info you may want.

In an open letter, Steve Jobs offers early adopters $100 credit toward an Apple or online store purchase for all of us who bought the iPhone early. Read about it here:

And if you purchased in the last 10-14 days... you can get up to $200 back by contacting Apple at 1-800-676-2775.

I just thought you might like to know. 

And for those who have been considering an iPhone, you have more (*and less expensive*) options available now.

Personally, I'm loving that I got it in June. I've enjoyed it enough since then to make up the difference... but I'll still ask for my credit! 

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... ...
... - Autaugaville, AL
That is great news about the credit.  I had heard about the lsat 2 weeks money back, but not the $100 rebate.  What is Apple thinking???  Version 2 must be coming out soon and that thing will be amazing.
Sep 06, 2007 11:54 AM
Angela Allen - Danville, KY
Marketing Specialist

They are doing what they are famous for doing... going the extra mile to keep customers happy. If only EVERY company would do such things!

I've always been "pro-PC" and "anti-Mac" -- but since my iPod and iPhone addiction has become so well established, I'm not quite so staunch in that stance.

Sep 06, 2007 11:57 AM
Craig Smith
Re/Max Achievers - Frederick, MD
Frederick MD Real Estate

After the initial hype on the iphone i haven't heard to much about it and don't seem to know anyone personally with one.

How does everyone like them!!

I need a new phone soon and this news could have me leaning towards it. Thanks!

Sep 06, 2007 12:07 PM
Angela Allen - Danville, KY
Marketing Specialist

I love mine, Craig. I'd buy it again in a second. And, I'm currently working on loading up some songs and a couple videos on my father's new iPhone. He and my mother love mine so much that she decided to get him one for his birthday on Saturday (Shhhhh! Don't tell!)

So, yes, it's a pretty sweet little device. But, whether or not you need one as your next phone depends on what you want your pocket device to do. I have found several cool sites with everything from games and to do lists to other web-based widgets for the iPhone-- if you like tricking things out -- and the cool thing is that none of it is resident on the iPhone, so there's no downloading. It's all web-based. 

If you want to learn more about the strengths and weaknesses of the iPhone, visit and search for the iPhone tag or category. I've listed quite a few things on this little device -- including what I think it's missing. I update my blog with additional iPhone-related news and findings regularly. Hope this helps.

Sep 06, 2007 12:14 PM
DDR Realty
DDR Realty - Newburgh, NY
Orange County NY
Thanks for sharing this information. I am thinking of looking into an iphone.
Sep 07, 2007 12:25 AM
Stephen Joos & Chris Brubaker- HouseFront
HouseFront - Denver, CO
A lot of people are upset about this, but not me I've had my iPhone and I love it.  But it's nice that they are offering these rebates to people.  Thanks for the update.
Sep 07, 2007 04:36 AM
Gene Allen
Fathom Realty - Cary, NC
Realty Consultant for Cary Real Estate
Yea the rebate came about because the stock took a big hit. 
Sep 07, 2007 08:25 AM