
What do you know about SHORT SALES?

Real Estate Agent with Realty Austin 423102
I have recently been thinking about getting some more expertise in short sales.  Anyone out there worked with many of these?  If you are an "expert" - how are you getting leads for people in need of doing a short sale?  Are you marketing in some way to let people know that you are an expert?  I recently had a client that could have benefited from me knowing more about this, and so I am eager to learn more.  What can you share?!?
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Jeff Kessler
Austin Homes, Realtors - Austin, TX

These are very difficult to do, I would suggest taking a class or working with an agent who really knows what they are doing.  They can be very rewarding and self defeating at the same time.  Good luck and keep us updated on how it goes?



Sep 07, 2007 04:27 AM
Larry Wright
nwRealty.Com - Tacoma, WA
David, a good source of information is Title Companies.  I've seen several short sale classes from them.
Sep 07, 2007 04:44 AM