
We did it to ourselves... John Galt Help us :-)

Real Estate Broker/Owner with UNcommon Homes

Self serving real estate lobbyist, inflated home values, poor loan qualification guidelines, sloppy underwriting… “Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez" that was the mantra from 1998-2007.

Now we see the fruit of our labor - foreclosures, depressed markets, few sales, scared buyers more and more assets held by fewer and fewer people.

How do we stop the madness?  First tell the Federal Government, “get the HELL out of our business and ALL business.”

S-L-O-W-L-Y eliminate all the crony capitalism, stop the subsidies, stop the tax write offs, eliminate the mortgage interest deduction, eliminate the real estate tax deduction, stop, stop, stop all artificial government subsidies that artificially inflate the cost of real estate.

Call your congressmen, call your local association executives, call your state association and any official you know.  Tell them more subsidies more favoritism are NOT the answer.
We may have to suffer a little pain now to avoid a catastrophe later.  20 years from now we should have eliminated all subsidies on real estate and then we will see the true value.

Who is John Galt?

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You’ve sold the home.  You got the price your sellers wanted.  Now what?  The appraiser calls, don’t panic, you’re prepared – or are you?

Here are a few tips for you to assist the appraiser and ensure a smooth path to closing.

Make every effort to be available to the appraiser for the requested inspection date or make sure he has convenient access.

If you attend the inspection do not distract the appraiser during the inspection.

Advise the appraiser of all the homes, you, your office and competitors have sold in the neighborhood.  Let him know YOU are the expert in the neighborhood [even if your not].

Appraisers want statistics and FACTS regarding values, amenities, neighborhood and market area data.  Provide a highlight sheet of all pertinent patent and latent information about the house, i.e. furnace updated, roof replaced, electric upgraded etc…

Provide the sales contract with all addenda and agreements.  Appraisers must consider ALL value-influencing factors.  Undisclosed terms or conditions could adversely influence the reliability of the appraisal report.

Provide a copy of the current deed.  The appraiser needs to know the exact legal description, how title is held and any encumbrances, restrictions, covenants and easements that may affect value.

Providing a site drawing with location and house dimensions is also very useful.  With the site plan, the appraiser can confirm the legal description, lot size, location in or near flood zones and the square footage of the dwelling.

Provide a recent tax bill.  Again, this document will corroborate the legal description, states the annual taxes and occasionally provides the site size.

Provide the appraiser at least three relevant sales – don’t just give him the highest sales you can find.  Remember, he has access to all the data and can corroborate whatever you give him.  If your sales aren’t relevant you lose credibility and the appraiser may not rely on your expertise.  Try to find relevant sales less than 90 days old; you can still supply sales up to six months old.  You should also provide any pending sales and several active listings.  Sold, Pending and Active listings are ALL valuable tools to the experienced appraiser.

Any other information you have floor plans, condominium documents, local developer plans, home inspection reports etc…  all help the appraiser reach accurate conclusions and enhances the opinion of value.