
So many activities -- so little blogging time!

Real Estate Agent with Frank Howard Allen Realtors

I simply cannot keep up with all the fun things that are going on in my life here in Sonoma. If you lived here, I'm sure it would be the same for you!  (I know a great Realtor who can sell you a house!)

I'm dying to tell you about last weekend's fund-raiser, even as it passes quickly into obsolescence.  I'm going to try hard to get that done because it was so fun and we raised $1.2 mil for local non-profits - in three days!  There are two things about this group of events you simply wouldn't believe - the amazing raffle items (one lot included a Prius) and what huge amounts of money participants were willing to part with to buy them!  The generosity of the attendees was as great as the pourings of wine!  Hmmm...maybe those two are related!  I know a lot of you are interested in non-profit work and giving back to the community, because you told me, so I'll get on it right away!

Today about 35 of the real estate agents here in Sonoma accepted the generous offer of Chris Oscar of the Sonoma Index Tribune newspaper and boarded the bus he had arranged to take us about 20 miles north to Santa Rosa.  On the way, we watched The Secret on screens in the bus - felt like we were in an airplane! Once there, we attended a truly amazing 3 1/2 hours session with Matthew Ferry.  He is the son of Mike Ferry whom I don't know, but many of the people attending knew from the past.  Matthew was very uplifting and positive in his remarks which were given in a practical and informative way.

His topic today and the main points below concerned how to Market-proof your business. (and boy! were we all thirsty for an affirming positive approach to that!) 

1.  Clarity - what are you committed to?  You have to be all in, or you're dead in this business in this market!

2.  Feeling good is the highest goal - how do you set your life up so success is natural?

3.  Stop trying to make the sale and start making a difference.  He calls this part the "contribution game" and I certainly agree with every word he said. Stop trying to convince everyone of how fabulous you are and give them something that helps them be successful.

4.  Start connecting deeply with everyone you come into contact with - become opportunity conscious.

5.  Stop protecting yourself and dig in, start honoring where others are coming from.

From Matthew Ferry. (  Yea!

Then we took the bus back to Sonoma and enjoyed a delightful lunch, also furnished by Chris and the newspaper.  It was great to sit with agents from other companies and learn about them and their backgrounds - especially with our new sense of enlightenment.  Great day!

If you read this far here's a question - When you have your weekly tour meetings, do all the agents from each company sit together in little defined bunches, or do you all spread out with one another regardless of where each of you works.