
Avatar - Blue earth hippies and evil white guys!

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Turn-Key Properties LLC, Missouri and Kansas Real Estate

So tonight I decided to watch this huge hit movie Avatar, since it was free on cable. I tuned in late, the movie had already started.

About ten minutes into the movie I saw the theme... Evil white guys were raping, pillaging and plundering the wonderful earth worshiping blue hippies who were at one with the planet!

Evil White guys (American Millitary) who called the loving, peaceful blue people "savages" were only interested in the unobtainium that was in the blue world. Vicious creatures that attacked humanoid blue things only did so because the humanoid blue things were stupid and childlike, they didn't understand the vicious creatures that Eatth Hippiewanted to eat them.

What a bunch of hippie BS!

After about ten minutes of this trash I had to turn the channel, I couldn't take it anymore. This was my second attempt trying to watch Avatar, the first time I found it so uninteresting that I just walked out.

How the heck does trash like this become so popular?

I miss John Wayne and Audie Murphy, once in a while we still get a decent movie from Clint Eastwood, but what will we do when this trash is all we have! Blue earth hippies worshiping floating jelly fish that look like cotton wood pollen!

What the hell is Hollywood thinking!

The only thing made of unobtainium in America today is FREEDOM!


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Conrad Allen
Re/Max Professional Associates - Webster, MA
Webster, Ma, Realtor

It was cowboys and indians all over again.  The indians lost as usual.

Nov 17, 2010 02:05 PM

The white men never raped the blue people. You need to try watching it again.

Apr 22, 2013 01:57 AM