Carolyn I see that you are an area specialist in Naples. Here is a tip for you! Jim and his wife Maureen have purchased property in Naples and may be looking for another home there.
I have not done the Alcatraz Challenge -- Not interested. But I do have a skiing challenge I'll do when I turn 65.
Yes, Yvette - Jim is my business partner and we have worked with thousands of people in helping them accomplish many things in life by training them in the art and science of self hypnosis. Visit our web sites at and see for yourself written and audio testimonials from Real Estate Professionals, Actors, Doctors, Teachers, Sales Professionals and many more.
You Asked! Do You Need Hypnosis to be Successful? Everyone goes through self hypnosis daily programming their mind unconsciously either positively or negatively. Leaning and practicing self hypnosis has aided people in their success to overcome doubt, procrastination, anxieties, stress, fear of speaking to groups, fear of flying, get clear on their intentions to manifest wealth in their life, become better golfers etc. etc.
Thanks for your comment... and YES I believe people need positive hypnosis to aid them in their success. (In the sport of Golf -- Tiger Woods uses self hypnosis -- in Real Estate the founders of C-21 used self hypnosis)